EZmix 2


EZmix 2.2.4 is now available to download using the Product Manager or from the ‘My Products’ area in your Toontrack account. Please note that version 2.2.4 is recommended for all users and will be required for the support of EZmix products released from this point forward (Q1 2023).


  • Added native Apple silicon support to the AAX.


  • One of the EQs would not work correctly in certain cases. It should not have any noticeable effect on existing presets and projects, it’s mainly a fix for future presets.



EZmix 2.2.3 is now available to download using the Product Manager or from the ‘My Products’ area in your Toontrack account. Please note that version 2.2.3 is recommended for all users and will be required for the support of EZmix products released from this point forward (Q4 2022).


  • Added support for new effects that may be used in future packs: Comp 3A, Comp G, EQP, EQ550, Console Emulator and Tape Emulator.
  • Added a new effect type: Saturation. Effects counting as Saturation are Console Emulator (new) and Preamp (which previously counted as Distortion).



EZmix 2.2.2 is now available to download using the Product Manager or from the ‘My Products’ area in your Toontrack account. Please note that version 2.2.2 is recommended for all users and will be required for the support of EZmix products released from this point forward (Q1 2022).


  • All EZmix packs released so far have received new/modified images.
  • The genre Electronica, which was used in a few expansion packs, has been changed to Electronic.


  • The default output levels in presets in the core packs and in the EZmix 1 expansion packs have been adjusted.
  • Six presets in the core preset packs have had the default value of one of the shape controls (knobs) changed, to fix that it didn’t correspond to the default value of an internal effect parameter that the knob was controlling.
  • On Mac, the vertical scrollbar was not always updated if the arrow keys were used to scroll to other presets.
  • On macOS Monterey, Reason was not able to load EZmix.
  • “Valve Distortion Box” noise when that effect is loaded has been reduced.
  • Incorrect latency was reported to the host when certain presets containing a Master Limiter were active.
  • The Windows standalone can now use ASIO devices with a buffer size larger than 2048 samples.



EZmix 2.2.1 is now available to download using the Product Manager or from the ‘My Products’ area in your Toontrack account. Please note that version 2.2.1 is recommended for all users and will be required for the support of EZmix products released from this point forward (Q2 2021).


  • Loading a preset containing the Master Limiter effect would cause a crash on Windows (and potentially also on Mac).



EZmix 2.2.0 is now available to download using the Product Manager or from the ‘My Products’ area in your Toontrack account. Please note that version 2.2.0 is recommended for all users and will be required for the support of EZmix products released from this point forward (Q2 2021).


  • On Mac, EZmix 2 is now 64-bit only and requires macOS 10.10 or higher.
  • The VST, AU and standalone can now run natively on Apple silicon processors. The About dialog says “64-bit ARM” (instead of “64-bit Intel”) in native Apple silicon mode.
  • The RTAS format has been removed.
  • New standalone and document icons.
  • On Windows, the standalone now has support for WASAPI audio devices but no longer supports MME.
  • On Mac in the audio device settings in the standalone, there is no longer a device type menu, since it always only contained “Core Audio.”
  • On macOS Mojave or newer, if the standalone does not have microphone access (which actually means access to audio input devices), it now says so in the Audio Setup dialog and how to fix it.
  • Added support for a few new effects to be used in future EZmix packs.
  • “Check for Updates” can now open the Product Manager (if installed) instead of the download web page.


  • Fixed a crash that could happen in Pro Tools just by turning a knob controlling Amount of a Matching EQ effect.
  • Fixed a potential crash if a parameter was changed by the host (using automation) at the same time that a different preset was being loaded.
  • Changing parameter values using the mouse wheel can now be better recorded to automation curves in DAWs.
  • Incorrect latency was reported to the host when a preset containing Mastering Limiter was active.
  • In Dark Mode on Mac, tooltips were not readable (in hosts supporting Dark Mode).
  • The metronome in the standalone was not very precise, especially with large buffer sizes.
  • Metronome sounds were incorrectly pitched unless the sample rate was 44100 Hz.
  • In the Mac standalone, if a project was saved with the Effect Rack closed, opening the project would incorrectly open the Effect Rack.
  • In the Mac standalone, opening audio or metronome settings with the Effect Rack closed would open a blank Effect Rack window.



EZmix 2.1.5 is now available to download using the Product Manager or from the ‘My Products’ area in your Toontrack account.  Please note that version 2.1.5 is recommended for all users and will be required for the support of EZmix products released from this point forward (Q2 2019).


  • Selecting/deselecting filters now works a bit differently: Clicking on a row now deselects all other rows in the column while making/keeping the clicked row selected. To deselect or to multi-select, click while holding Ctrl (Windows) / Cmd (Mac).
  • The effect box tooltips are now more specific about certain effects that are being used by a preset. For example, it no longer says just Distortion but instead Tube Nine, Fat Muff, etc.
  • The effect box tooltips now say if the current preset contains more than one of an effect with the same name (internally either the same or different effects).
  • The shape control tooltips now use the more specific names for certain effects (like the effect box tooltips).


  • Internal LFOs can now again control the Time parameter in delays. This last worked in version 2.1.1. Several presets in the “Ambient Delays” and “Ambient Reverbs” packs are affected, as well as one preset in “Indie Guitars” (“Modulated Pitched Delay”).
  • Increasing the Time parameter in reverse delays (if a shape control is bound to such a parameter) should no longer cause any click/pop sounds.
  • Opening Pro Tools projects containing EZmix would sometimes crash (since version 2.1.4).
  • The selected preset/favorite was not shown as modified (with an asterisk) if the input or output level had been changed by less than 0.4 dB. 0.1 dB is enough now.
  • In shape control tooltips, several effects with the same name (but internally being different effects) could be listed multiple times, for example “Amplifier Tone, Amplifier” – now they are merged.
  • Sorting by Instrument, Type, Genre or Producer was quite slow and has been optimized.



EZmix 2.1.4 is now available to download using the Product Manager or from the ‘My Products’ area in your Toontrack account.  Please note that version 2.1.4 is recommended for all users and will be required for the support of EZmix products released from this point forward (Q4 2018).


  • Added support for a few new effects to be used in future EZmix packs.


  • Fixed an issue with click sounds in reverse delay.
  • Fixed that it said “Ezmix” (with lowercase Z) in the application menu in the Mac standalone.



EZmix 2.1.3 is now available to download using the Product Manager or from the ‘My Products’ area in your Toontrack account.  Please note that version 2.1.3 is recommended for all users and will be required for the support of EZmix products released from this point forward (Q1 2018).


  • Changing the Length parameter of an IR Reverb effect made the reverb sound incorrect (delayed) – a bug introduced in version 2.1.2, affecting presets in Rooms and Verbs EZmix Pack and Ambient Reverbs EZmix Pack.
  • The “natural sort order” introduced in version 2.1.2 is no longer case-sensitive.



[— UPDATED: 2018-01-17 —]
IMPORTANT: the current version of EZmix is 2.1.2

Release Notes:
– EZmix 2 is now compatible with GarageBand on macOS High Sierra.
– The Windows standalone should no longer have tiny windows on high-DPI screens.
– The Mac standalone sometimes crashed when you quit or cancelled the quit confirmation dialog.
– Certain effects/presets are now synced to the host playhead position.
– Sorting is now done using “natural sort order” so that for example “8-Bit” comes before “12-Bit.”
– Updated Overloud effect library, with support for a few new effects for future preset packs and improved sound quality of one of the octavers.
– Updated network and audio device support.
Known issues with hosts

– Logic 8/9: key commands may interfere with typing Authorization code. Solution, use Product Manager to authorize, or EZMix 2 standalone instead.

Version History

– version 2.1.0 or above is required for Mac OS 10.10 and Windows 10 compatibility
– version 2.0.9 or above is required for Mac OS 10.9 and Windows 8.1 compatibility
– version 2.0.6 or above is required for Pro Tools 11 compatibility (AAX support)
– version 2.0.2 or above is required for Mac OS 10.8 and Windows 8 compatibility
– version 2.0.1 or above is required for standalone and 2nd generation preset packs support
– version 2.0.0 or above is required for Mac OS 10.7 and Windows 7 compatibility
– version 1.0.2 or above is required for 64-bit hosts support on Mac OS X
– version 1.0.1 or above is required for preset packs support



– the tuner will now detect tones at lower levels than before
– turning the second shape control knob now works again in previously affected presets in packs released for EZmix 1
– the IR Reverb effect (used in EZmix packs “Indie Guitars” and “Rooms and Verbs”) now sounds as intended at sample rates other than 44.1 kHz



– the AAX should more reliably install on Windows 64-bit.
– filters are now saved in projects.
– the metronome in the standalone can now play triplets.
– improvements have been made to the authorization dialogs. For example, if a product is already registered to your account, you will no longer need to type in its serial number when authorizing online.
– first instantiation of the plug-in has been made faster.
– the standalone should no longer crash when you try to use an input or output channel with a number higher than 32.
– in Audio Setup in the standalone, selected input channels are no longer reset when you select a different output device.
– with certain sound cards on Mac, starting the standalone after having used a DAW at a sample rate other than 44.1 kHz, the sound was distorted.
– some old preset names have been slightly adjusted, for example “12Bit” was changed to “12-Bit”.



– optimized CPU usage for presets that use an Octaver effect
– in Audio Setup in the standalone on Mac, some audio device names were truncated
– when using Save As in the 64-bit standalone host on Mac OS 10.7 or newer, there were sometimes double dialogs asking if an existing file should be overwritten
– the file name pattern is now correctly displayed as “*.ezmp” in the Save As dialog in the standalone (previous versions had it as “*ezmp”)
– loading EZmix in GarageBand X should now use the same location for user preferences and favorites as when it was loaded in other hosts
– small adjustments to the way effects are displayed to the user in tooltips



– the output could be totally silent or distorted with certain presets on Mac PPC when using some effects introduced in version 2.0.7



– The AAX should no longer crash on Windows if ProTools has used more than 2GB and a second instance is added to the project
– in standalone mode, when using external displays on Mac OS 10.9, the window could sometimes get stuck in the top part of the screen



– changing “Report Latency to Host” now does a fade-out and a fade-in for a better experience
– “Pan” should no longer be listed more than once in some shape control descriptions or tooltips
– text that should have been bold was not bold on Windows, for example the browser headers
– in the Create Account dialog, the country text field has been replaced by a dropdown menu
– small adjustments to the way effects are displayed to the user in tooltips



– the Free text search did not return matches for the effect group names
– some presets had “Amplifier” or “Distortion” listed more than once in the effect box tooltip
– the plug-in would crash at startup on certain Windows computer configurations



– The RTAS version can now be used as a multi-mono plug-in
– In Pro Tools on Mac it would crash if you used the “insert slot” menu in the plug-in window header to switch away from EZmix
– In Pro Tools the demo defaulted to Report Latency to Host = OFF
– In all hosts ‘Report Latency to Host’ turned itself off if the user tried to save and load a project with EZmix demo
– Authorization and authorization checks would freeze on some (very rare) Windows systems.
– The correct plug-in version is now reported to VST hosts instead of “”
– It was not possible to use the demo in Pro Tools on PC without unnecessary system libraries available
– Misc other changes related to developing EZmix Lite



– Editing a favorite name on Windows could cause a crash or some other malfunction
– CPU usage would go up for some presets when a shape control was turned to zero
– Clicking a filter row whose label is cut verticaly now scrolls it into view
– Selected filter rows now never get removed by other filters or text search
– The Edit Favorite button (that has a dropdown menu) was sometimes not fully redrawn when the menu was closed
– The default output levels of some presets have been adjusted in the core packs
– 70’s, 80’s and 90’s in preset names are displayed as 70s, 80s and 90s



– the fade-in occurring on changing from one preset to another is now shorter and better at eliminating click/pop sounds
– selecting a preset with the Exciter effect sometimes could cause an audible click.
– the CPU usage for the Octaver should no longer be abnormally high when the input goes silent
– loading a project with several EZmix instances using certain amplifier presets could cause some of them to only output silence
– clip LEDs should no longer stay lit after changing presets when the previous one was too loud.
– in the standalone on Windows, the ASIO settings modified with control panel were not always applied when OK or Apply was clicked
– the standalone is now better at handling scenarios where the assigned Audio Input or Output are temporarily unavailable
– the drop-down menus in the Audio Setup dialog are now wider so that text in them are not truncated as often
– using the online authorization method, if the connection failed it would sometimes state “Connecting… Please wait” instead of an error message



– all amplifier presets work on Mac PowerPC (G5)
– the mouse wheel now works on a secondary screen to the left of the primary screen (Windows)
– horizontal mouse wheel scroll support on Windows (possibly limited) – shift+vertical wheel can also be used
– support for smooth scrolling with trackpads and other “precise” devices in 64-bit hosts on OS X Lion
– clicking below or above the scroll handle made the contents of the browser scroll more than a page
– using arrow keys for changing presets and turning knobs did not work in the standalone except 64-bit Mac
– the browser now gets keyboard focus whenever no other control has focus (for example a knob, that can be controlled with arrow keys after clicking it)
– the tab order (for changing which control has keyboard focus in hosts, where keys work) is now: browser-search-shape1-shape2-input-output
– the Metronome ‘Play’ popup menu did not always show the correct selection when the dialog was opened in the standalone
– the standalone now constrains the window position to the current screen size at startup
– the standalone window position is now properly saved even if the window is minimized on Windows
– build number of the plug has been added to the About dialog
– version and build number of the standalone was added to the plug’s About dialog when running standalone



– version 2.0.0 is a paid upgrade with added functionality



– automation of faders should no longer cause random crashes
– instantiation in Sonar on Japanese localized systems should no longer cause crashes
– Favorites should load correctly in SONAR on localized systems with decimal separator other than period
– the Add/Remove Favorite buttons now trigger on ‘mouse up’ instead of ‘mouse down’
– the Remove Favorite button has a new ‘mouse down’ image for clarity
– keyboard arrow keys may be used to browse the presets (host dependent)



– the 64 bit version can now be installed without installing the 32 bit version first on PC
– startup time and memory footprint should be greatly reduced for EZmix instances beyond the first in a session
– authorization now happens for all EZmix instances in the host, now just the one where the process is conducted
– the EZmix window content should no longer be black when hosted in an already open plug-in window in ProTools (Windows)
– EZmix should now produce audio tails when playback is stopped in Digital Performer
– EZmix settings should now be saved with Sony Acid Pro projects
– scrollbars should no longer be ‘locked’ after being double clicked
– switching preset to an identical copy or favorite should now ‘dirty’ the host project
– additional known occurrences of failure to save settings fixed
– changing parameters via automation should now make the preset name italic
– saving changes to a favorite should always make the name non-italic
– when openin EZmix, if there is a favorite that uses the current parameters, it is now selected in the Favorites tab
– when selecting a preset for which a favorite exists, the latter is selected in the Favorites tab
– modifying favorites in one EZmix instance should update all open EZmix windows in real-time
– changes to the columns layout should also be reflected in all open windows at once
– Tape Simulator2 preset, with less distortion than original Tape Simulator preset added
– fixed various typos in preset names and info texts