Deals, a new SDX and more!*

Deals, a new SDX and more!*

Deals, a new SDX and more!*

Jack Thammarat.

Name: Jack Thammarat

Location: Pattaya, Thailand


What’s your main guitar?
– My main guitar is Yamaha Pacifica JT Custom

What amp and cab combo would you say is your go-to?
– Laney IRT-Studio with Laney V30 cab

A quick rundown of your pedals and outboard, in the studio and live?
– At this time I am using Line 6 Helix with Laney IRT-Studio and Laney IRT-X expansion speaker cabinets.

String gauge?
– 10-46

Pick of choice?
– Dunlop Jazz III Ultex

When recording, what’s your DAW of choice?
– Cubase Artist 8.5

If you had to stick to one guitar for the rest of your life, what would it be and would it have 6, 7, 8 – or 9 strings?
– My Yamaha custom made 6 strings.

If you had to describe your style, what would you say…and in what overall genre would you place yourself?
– I love all music styles but for my playing it is more like Melodic Rock/Blues and a little bit Fusion.

If you could pick only one track to jam to for the rest of time, what would it be?
– Hendrix/ S.R.V – Little Wing

Name five players that helped shape you as a guitarist!
– John Petrucci, Eric Johnson, Joe Satriani, Andy Timmons, S.R.V.

Who’s the most interesting player today?
– For me the most interesting player today is Alex Hutchings. His improvisation skill is amazing!


For the third episode, Rikk Currence talks to Monty Powell, award-winning songwriter who’s written hits for Lady Antebellum, Keith Urban and many others.

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