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  • Zombien

    I did! It sounds very artificial. and most of all very amateur.

    Nothing about the drums in that U2 song is natural. You need to experiment, just as the engineers did. It’s not a one and done. That’s part of what separates the pros from amateurs. Also, listening to something by itself is a lot different than listening to something in the context of a mix. Some of the most amazing mixes sound like garbage when solo’d.

    In case you didn’t spot that, I was challenging you to back up your claim by providing a sample

    And in case you didn’t spot this, I don’t have anything to prove to you. If you believe I haven’t any experience mixing drums, that’s your choice to dismiss me as some “heretic”. However, if you are misguided into believing that I am going to do something because you “challenge” me because of it, you will discover things don’t work that way.

    you are right, it is DAW 101 which is why I can’t understand anyone would want to EQ a poor drum kit like that.

    Because it serves the song. That’s what it is all about… the song. You are going to discover that many drum mixes are done in various ways, with the majority of them being unusual. If you believe EQ’ing a drum kit like that is unusual, just wait until we discuss distortion or the nuke mode of an 1176 compressor. Now, there is real magic.


    I have nothing to say with this analysis. Give +1

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