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Great deals on software, sounds and MIDI!*


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  • Yaron Feinberg

    Why do I want to upgrade to sd3 if I don’t want the new sounds?
    Because Ezd2 won’t open the sdx libraries that I want (roots for example) and I want these great features of song creator, tap to find and mostly create great loops by change style (more hits on the snare/ ride) this is amazing feature that I love in Ezdrummer 2 and really waited to be part of the SD sw as well.
    In short: The great Sdx libraries won’t open in ezdrummer 2. Thats why the upgrade is fgreat or me omitting all the new kits and sounds

    Yaron Feinberg

    Why do I want to upgrade to sd3 if I don’t want the new sounds?
    Because Ezd2 won’t open the sdx libraries that I want (roots for example) and I want these great features of song creator, tap to find and mostly create great loops by change style (more hits on the snare/ ride) this is amazing feature that I love in Ezdrummer 2 and really waited to be part of the SD sw as well.
    In short: The great Sdx libraries won’t open in ezdrummer 2. Thats why the upgrade is fgreat or me omitting all the new kits and sounds

    Yaron Feinberg

    Or at least allow upgrade path just for the sw itself (without new kits) for a fair price

    Yaron Feinberg

    Toontrack please listen to your loyal customers for years who have supported you for many years owning SD2 and Ezdrummer2 + dozens of your expansion packs!
    We all share same feeling that 200$ upgrade is too much especially when some/most of us just need the extra engine features that we use to know and love from ezd2 (playing styles, tap2find…). You could have update just the SW without this heavy load of unwanted recordings and allow upgrade to the full huge production you did just for customers who really want those 7 kits X 11.1 surrounds.
    Most /few of us just want the upgraded functionality of the sw.
    Please please reconsider more upgrade path (just the sw without new sounds) or different price for your loyal customers having EZD2 and Sd2.

    Yaron Feinberg

    I’m not winning about the price of the product as a whole.
    “For what it offers it sounds reasonable” – that’s maybe true, and maybe for some guys and others not.
    But the point is – I’m not talking about how much it’s worth as a whole, or how much it is if I spread it over 10 years as other mentioned.
    My point is that I will be happy to have the new features that I already familiar and used to have in my EZDrummer 2 that are now adopted into the SD3 engine.
    Not looking for new Core sounds.
    Maybe I’m alone with this opinion but are the new SW engine worth the 200$ upgrade price from SD2? – FOR ME – no!
    That’s why I raised this issue – I’m missing here an option to upgrade only the SW and I’ll be happy to pay a fair price of this SW update (Regarding the engine).
    Trying to force the full price of over doing expensive productions expenses of 6 new kits (That I don’t need / want) + 11.1 Surround (+Studio costs +Producers/Engineers/Players/Working on the sounds +having servers allowing downloading of 230GB) doesn’t seems like should be the only option to have as a base product.
    I think if the development of the new SW (That mostly borrowed from EZD2) is 40% (Just for example of course) of the total production cost of SD3, then it sounds reasonable to me to offer another upgrade option that includes only the new SW and will cost 40% of the upgrade price.
    I wish to have this option and I’ll be the first one to jump on it.
    Currently all I’m saying the for me it is not worth the 200$.
    Maybe for someone else too.
    Just wanted to raise it so maybe Toontrack are listening and rethinking of having other options as well.

    Yaron Feinberg

    The issue is I don’t care for Core sounds, I care for best functionality of the Engine with my desired SDX sounds that I personally selected to purchase according to my own taste.
    I think it should be the opposite, let everyone enjoys the latest versions with its wonderful functional capabilities for low price,
    and let each one decide for his own which SDX’s to purchase.
    All the effort done into the core sounds + surround sounds, should have been addressed to a new SDX libraries.

    The high Upgrade price is already taking in account all the recording efforts of the core sounds + the high GB size it takes + servers needs to supports the uploading of 230GB for the purchases downloads…

    If customer could pay for only the SW upgrade itself then everyone would be benefit by paying according to his needs and financial capabilities.

    Yaron Feinberg

    I don’t understant how Ezdrummer 2 doesn’t allow to change time signature in the middle of the song. (?).
    It is so basic and common used in songs, even if the song doesn’t change tempos between chorus and the bridge, sometimes there are small breaks (like in a song of 4/4 suddenly there is a break of 2/4 or 3/4 for 1 bar).
    Again very very common and basic thing.
    Please enahnce the SW to have this basic feature.

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