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Great deals on software, sounds
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Great deals on software, sounds and MIDI!*


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  • William Kitchens

    I think we are all aware that the EZ line can be used in SD3…

    One of the reasons I upgraded to SD3 late last year… so that previous purchases would still be available to use in one program.

    An obvious and customer friendly marketing approach would be to release two versions of the products at the same time.

    I don’t want to purchase an EZ version to find it available in a higher grade SD3 format… even a year later!

    This from a customer who owns over 75% of your releases for what it’s worth.

    Unless the intent is deliberate as part of your marketing plan… hoping I’ll end up purchasing both?

    William Kitchens

    September 21, 2017

    Just returned from my gig tonight and finally got the last of the downloads completed!

    The trace route request and other data I was asked to send to Toontrack provided nothing!

    1. The rollout overwhelmed the company servers?

    2. The rollout was designed in hope folks would fork over an extra $200.00 for a hard drive.

    Anyway I have mine now… good luck to the rest of you!

    William Kitchens

    I’m assuming from your post you’re not with the support team?

    While I’m thrilled you’re getting such a quick overnight download per package myself and others are not….

    I’ve been downloading thru my fast isp for over 36 hours and haven’t finished part 1 as of yet…

    Toontrack should have had multiple servers enough to handle a release this big they spent so much time promoting knowing the demand would have been this high…

    Regardless of the interface for downloading!

    I was hoping for a response from actual support personnel.

    Your response doesn’t offer me any explanation on their logic… only that you’re fairing better

    William Kitchens


    William Kitchens

    Thank you gseshieman! You solved question #1

    William Kitchens

    I use the product much the way a I might hire a session player. I give EZ keys the chart and then “produce” the session.

    The player I hire is going to have certain “chops”. EZ keys is simply a pianist or a collective group of pianists with chop.

    It has it’s place in production and if used properly will produce incredible results. Great songs and productions will rise to the top.

    If the EZ keys Library and add on’s don’t have what you’re looking for there are 1000’s upon 1000’s of piano midi files that exist that can be pulled into the program! Simply manipulated those to create the result your’re looking for!

    There are already third party options for importing new midi styles into the program. The pallet of styles can actually be as large as your wish.

    I understand there is argument that music is getting too “EZ” to make. The song is still king IMO and EZ Keys is just a tool to help bring ideas into focus.

    William Kitchens


    William Kitchens

    7. Have the cursor line in the EZ2 midi song track stay in sync with the host DAW. It will follow on playback but does not move when selecting another marker. It would be nice to see in the Midi Track window where you are in the project relative to the host DAW!

    8. Allow the Midi Track Transport controls to start and stop the DAW as well when in Follow Host Mode. That way you can move from inside EZ2 quickly to the section of the song you are working on and have the DAW be there too!

    Would like to see support acknowledge the requests in this thread?Laugh

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