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Great deals on software, sounds
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Great deals on software, sounds and MIDI!*


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  • wanknot

    I installed Sup 2.3 ok , used it and it was fine, good install, library paths under settings were ok too: library/app support/sup drummer 2.0/ sl avatar … so far so good.
    2 weeks later i bought cust & vin sdx 3 discs [SXCV-6WHW-R3F6-ZCFP-]… install seemed ok and registered fine… grooves/sounds accounted for under settings: library/app support/sup drummer 2.0/ sl cvmk ll.
    however in the groove view under libraries none of these accounted for grooves showed up. I added and reset the library path and an alert showed stating ‘i already have that library.’
    so basically the C&V grooves i bought won’ t show though the kit will play whatever other grooves exp i had before.
    More disturbing is that although the default NY avatar grooves show up… the ny kit ‘won’t’ sound their own or any other grooves, just a flashing ‘not loaded’ showing in the bottom right.

    in settings when I hit set and try to open the path to sl – avatar an alert comes up…‘you need to set the path to where you intalled the sound before you can use them.’ which i think I’ve done , repeatedly.

    wasting a lot of time and perhaps money, even the experts at the music shop are scratching their heads,

    help, jim

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