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  • wagzisnotadrummer

    Thanks for pointing that thread out, Scott. Unfortunately, most of the presets that I tried to download are dead links. It would be nice to have a dedicated, archived, user-friendly Superior Drummer User Presets Area. Can we get something similar to this going?


    yeah, that’s a good idea. It would be nice to have a user preset area.


    thanks, fizbin! It’s really cool that you took the time to make these presets and share them here. Keeping with this same spirit of giving,here’s one I made yesterday. I was going for natural, dry, and fat.


    ORIGINAL: dug dog
    Now, I’m wondering if I wouldn’t be better served by purchasing a producer pack and trying to figure out how to wring the full potential out of the Avatar stuff.

    Getting the most out of the tools you already have seems like a good decision, I think. I believe that you’ll probably be happy adding a producer pack, as long as you like the “unprocessed” sounds in the Avatar kit for your tunes. For me, the “unprocessed” C&V SDX sounds closest to the sound I have in mind for my music. So, I am hoping to wring every last drop of magic that I can out of C&V.


    lol! Scott, you are awesome.


    EZX’s are pre-processed…whereas SDX expansions are pretty raw.


    well, i just don’t see the reason for it, Scott. I am probably just seeing things from my own obscured perspective, though. I am sure Toontrack has it’s reasons for keeping mum. Does Toontrack’s NDA preclude you guys from telling us why there is a NDA in place?

    sorry andywg, I’m off-topic here.


    I am totally in need of everything you just asked for. I’d prefer it as an SDX, though. Unfortunately, Toontrack will probably not tell us if the are planning to release a percussion library. I don’t understand why. What’s the problem with saying “…Yes. We are working on a percussion library.”…or saying, “No. we will not release a perc. EZX or SDX!”? I’d rather buy a percussion library from Toontrack, but I can’t really wait to buy from Toontrack when I don’t know whether or not Toontrack plan to release one. Good luck getting answers, andywg. You’re gonna need it.

    Scott from Toontrack said the following in another thread:

    ORIGINAL: Scott
    Toontrack never comments on future releases. Vague answers are, at best, what you’ll receive. Feel free to discuss what future releases you’d like to see amongst yourselves but don’t expect confirmation or denial from anyone at Toontrack. We are all bound to an NDA.

    However, all requests and feedback about Toontrack products are logged by the appropriate departments so don’t fear that any requests are falling on deaf ears, they are heard loud and clear.


    I see:

    Snare Top: AKG C451/Shure Sm 57
    Kick: Yamaha Subkick?/ U47 FET
    Hi-Hat;AKG C451
    4 mic Omni Cardioid Ambience setup mentioned: Neumann U67/U87 mics
    Room: Rca 44 or 44bx/I also see a 77dx.
    Rack Toms: Sennheiser Md421 mics
    Floor Tom: Neumann U67 or 87

    Meh… It’s pretty much impossible to tell what was actually used based on the video. The mics could have been different on certain kits and who’s to say mics weren’t swapped around post-video? This was tracked in a pretty awesome studio. I seriously doubt there are no track sheets. Peter, Chris and Mattias Eklund were all there. They might remember.


    It’s really too bad that this library and some of the other EZX’s haven’t been released in 24 bit format. I could certainly use some Latin Percussion in some of my tunes. Personally, the reason that I got Superior Drummer was because I was looking to get as much quality, realism, and variety as possible in this easy to use format. It’s matchless, in my book. So, I don’t understand why Toontrack has not released 24 bit versions of these EZX libraries.

    I mean, apart from the original 24 bit files being deleted, what would be the reason to not release these EZX libraries in SDX format? I mean, I really don’t get it. Toontrack, if the reason is money, you could easily charge an extra ten bucks or more for the option to get a 24 bit SDX unprocessed version of these libraries. You wouldn’t have to do any processing (this is assuming you guys don’t have the original processed files in 24 bit format) and you could do download only. Or, maybe Toontrack has already decided to record new SDX libraries that cover many of the same bases as the current EZX libraries… I dunno.

    Martin, personally I can hear the difference between 16 bit and 24 bit versions of the same audio. I wish that I could not, but I can, and other people can, too. You said that there are no plans to release the L.P. EZX in a 24 bit format and that it probably will not happen. I can accept that. I’m totally fine with that. However, will you tell us why?

    Also, I’m kinda new to this forum, but why is it that most of my questions regarding Toontrack’s future releases seem to be addressed only with vague, non-answers, or ignored altogether? Is there some sort of secrecy clause that I don’t know about? If my questions and feedback are unwanted, please, let me know… so that I can stop bothering you guys and go do something else with my time. Thanks all of you guys that work at/with Toontrack to release these amazing products! Superior drummer is my favorite acoustic virtual drummer!


    ORIGINAL: juicy
    Lets just say once i have the SDX version ,say Roots, i do not use the EZX version,Jazz in SD2 as i did in the past.
    It just sits on my disk doing nothing same with C&V and Vintage Rock.Music City and Nashville.

    This is one of the problems I have with purchasing an EZX. Since I don’t know if Toontrack will or will not release SDX versions of certain EZX libraries, I don’t wanna invest in those EZX libraries. If I buy an EZX, I will just replace or stop using the EZX version when the SDX version is released.

    I get that, for Toontracks, there is probably much more profit in an EZX library than an SDX, though. The EZX libraries are great products and I think there will always be plenty of EZX customers. As for me, I’m (patiently?) waiting for new SDX libraries.


    ORIGINAL: fizbin
    I’m just saying that between Music City and C & V, there may not be an immediate need for an Americana-type SDX. I’m looking at room elsewhere for things that haven’t been covered, so an Ethnic SDX comes to mind. I’m in.

    That’s cool, but if it comes down to it, personally, I’d much rather have C&V 2 over an “ethnic” kit. I mean…if I have to vote either/or. Now, if Toontrack plans to never release a version 2 of C&V, i might (one day) put some money down on an “ethnic” kit.


    this would be cool.

    ORIGINAL: fizbin

      [*] A better way to alter velocity of a MIDI groove than a simple knob. Should be able to focus on specific pieces (e.g. hihat) and also, bring bottom velocities up while keeping top velocities stationary (expansion), and moving top velocities down while keeping bottom velocities stationary (compression).


    Well, while I do hope that the next release is an SDX, I’d like to know what you’re basing this decision on. Did Toontrack say that they were releasing an ethnic percussion SDX next, or are you just speculating?


    i like this idea, too.

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