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Great deals on software, sounds
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Great deals on software, sounds and MIDI!*


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  • wagzisnotadrummer

    Are the people you collaborated with local friends, or internet friends?
    The reason I ask is because if it’s internet friends, I’m curious to how that works…as far as recording/mixing etc.?

    me too.


    I don’t know how close that is to the original, but I like it.


    whoa, what a cool service to offer. I prefer to try to play/program my own instruments, but it’s cool that somebody is doing something like this.


    yeah, i like your voice, too. I agree! good rock tone. These drums sound kinda phasey, but I’m guessing it’s Youtube’s fault.


    Thanks, Martin. The way that ‘recommended’ chords are highlighted on the Chordwheel is a great feature. I guess what I’m asking for is a way to whittle down the list of a available chords by making the Chordwheel only display chords containing notes within the specified key. I’m trying to audition “color” chords quicker. For example, I choose the key of C, but specify that I would like the Chordwheel to “grayout” all chords within that key that do not contain a “F#” note. So, if I then select a “C” chord and click the details tab, the only selectable chords contain “F#” notes.

    This is probably an easy thing for guys with tons of theory to do quickly, but it’s hard for me to come up with a melody and immediately know which “color” chords fit. This would feature would really speed up my process.


    I posted this in another thread recently:

    I also cast my vote for EZ Bass, but really I don’t want the samples. I already have Spectrasonics Trilian. What I’d like is actually a library of common patterns, walks, and runs/fills played by a real bass player and categorized by style in the MIDI format. For me, the samples part is already more than covered, but let’s say I want a Reggae bass part in a song…it would be so nice (and EZ) if I could just surf through my library of Reggae bass patterns to find a part close to what I want and just drop that in. I guess that what I am asking for is really EZ Bass Songwriter’s MIDI. I need a pack that will include several variations from many genres. The biggies, for me, in order, are Bluegrass(think upright), Folk, Soul, Country, Blues, Reggae, Funk, and Jazz. This is a product that would tremendously speed up the songwriting process for me. I am primarily a guitar player. The things that take most of my time when writing are Drums, Bass guitar, and Keys. Guitar is not a problem. So, I don’t vote for that. I would gladly pay top dollar for a EZ Bass Songwriter’s MIDI library.

    In fact, you guys could take this as far as an EZ Sessions MIDI library. In this case, you could capture a real core rhythm section (Bass, Drums, and Keys/Guitar), playin selections (together in realtime), organized by Genre , and released in MIDI format.

    I would definitely like to buy an EZ Bass Songwriter’s MIDI library or an EZ Sessions MIDI library. This brings me to my third idea, which is EZ Songwriter. I have been using a program called Chordpulse for a while. It does what I’m talking about with my MIDI ideas, but it sounds like quantized midi files and doesn’t have an extensive chord library. It would be a hit if Toontrack did something akin to this, but with the EZ Keys and EZ Drummer formats combined(or have the programs speaking together), with parts played by real players. I would buy that. Toontracks products are so much easier to use than something like Band in a Box, too. I know because recently, in an attempt to find a piece of software to speed my songwriting process, I tried Band in a Box . It was bloated, ugly looking, software with what I ultimately decided was not a user-friendly GUI/layout. I think you guys should consider my EZ Songwriter idea. I haven’t seen anything like this for PC and I think Toontrack could create this product, help fill a need in the marketplace, and make lots of money with it. It wouldn’t even be hard(for Toontrack guys) if you used the Ez Keys and Ez Player layouts as the core and considered all existing Toontrack products as more or less “expansions”.

    Sorry, I just woke up and happened to read this thread. I’m kinda in a “I have a million ideas” songwriter mode ,right now.


    I also cast my vote for EZ Bass, but really I don’t want the samples. I already have Spectrasonics Trilian. What I’d like is actually a library of common patterns, walks, and runs/fills played by a real bass player and categorized by style in the MIDI format. For me, the samples part is already more than covered, but let’s say I want a Reggae bass part in a song…it would be so nice (and EZ) if I could just surf through my library of Reggae bass patterns to find a part close to what I want and just drop that in. I guess that what I am asking for is really EZ Bass Songwriter’s MIDI. I need a pack that will include several variations from many genres. The biggies, for me, in order, are Bluegrass(think upright), Folk, Soul, Country, Blues, Reggae, Funk, and Jazz. This is a product that would tremendously speed up the songwriting process for me. I am primarily a guitar player. The things that take most of my time when writing are Drums, Bass guitar, and Keys. Guitar is not a problem. So, I don’t vote for that. I would gladly pay top dollar for a EZ Bass Songwriter’s MIDI library.

    In fact, you guys could take this as far as an EZ Sessions MIDI library. In this case, you could capture a real core rhythm section (Bass, Drums, and Keys/Guitar), playin selections (together in realtime), organized by Genre , and released in MIDI format.

    I would definitely like to buy an EZ Bass Songwriter’s MIDI library or an EZ Sessions MIDI library. This brings me to my third idea, which is EZ Songwriter. I have been using a program called Chordpulse for a while. It does what I’m talking about with my MIDI ideas, but it sounds like quantized midi files and doesn’t have an extensive chord library. It would be a hit if Toontrack did something akin to this, but with the EZ Keys and EZ Drummer formats combined(or have the programs speaking together), with parts played by real players. I would buy that. Toontracks products are so much easier to use than something like Band in a Box, too. I know because recently, in an attempt to find a piece of software to speed my songwriting process, I tried Band in a Box . It was bloated, ugly looking, software with what I ultimately decided was not a user-friendly GUI/layout. I think you guys should consider my EZ Songwriter idea. I haven’t seen anything like this for PC and I think Toontrack could create this product, help fill a need in the marketplace, and make lots of money with it. It wouldn’t even be hard(for Toontrack guys) if you used the Ez Keys and Ez Player layouts as the core and considered all existing Toontrack products as more or less “expansions”.

    Sorry, I just woke up and happened to read this thread. I’m kinda in a “I have a million ideas” songwriter mode ,right now.


    Thanks, Scott. I found that file before I bought the New York SDX. It was one of the main reasons that I decided to get it. It sounds great.


    Thanks Scott, I bought the NY Studios SDX and Metal Foundry. If you guys have any more SDX’s with very large kick drums, please tell me. I guess I want something that sounds like a marching bass drum.

    Examples provided:


    Speaking of beaters, I don’t see this info listed on the “details” page for the NY SDX and the Metal Foundry SDX. I’d like to know if they allow a felt beater option.


    fizbin!!! Thanks so much for doing this! I’m torn between Allaire(that midrange is so cool) and the Metal Foundry Ludwig. I thought for sure that I was gonna end up with Roots, but I Allaire and MF are closer to what I want(more weight in the low end). That Ludwig would sound about near perfect if it weren’t as scooped in the mids(smiley face EQ?) and I don’t know how much compression is on the Slingerland, but its sounds very good. I’m off to check into Metal Foundry. That kit sounds natural and weighty. Fizbin, thanks again!


    I discovered that the New York (Allaire) SDX has a 26 inch Slingerland kick and that Roots has a 28 inch Camco. I was thinking that one of these SDX libraries might hold be a close replacement for the 28 inch Rolling Bomber. Can somebody make a quick low to medium velocity drum loop at a fairly slow tempo (60-84 bpm) using either of these drums as the kick?


    Ok. I know i keep requesting things, but I need to add one more to the list. Please include a Slingerland Rolling Bomber kit(at the least the kick and snare drums). I had been trying to get close to Jay Bellerose’s drum sound (Joe Henry, Solomon Burke, Plant /Krauss, LaMontagne), but I didn’t know that he was the drummer on all of these albums with these amazing drums. And, I didn’t know what drumkit was used to get those bassdrum sounds. As it turns out, it’s the Slingerland Rolling Bomber kit. Anyways, this Rolling Bomber kit definitely belongs in the Custom and Vintage family. This rare, vintage kit has got rosewood tension casings and the kick is 28 inches ! I have been trying to get that exact kick sound, but I am coming up short. It sounds natural, but it has such a deep and sometimes long sound. I always thought it was a taiko drum or something, but I was wrong. Here’s a brief clip of a Slingerland Rolling Bomber Kit and clip with it in an awesome Solomon Burke song.

    I would love to have this kit with both a long and short(ala the Burke tune posted above) tailed kick drum. The Raising Sand album from Plant and Krauss has the longer, less damped, kick drum sound on several songs. Please, Toontrack, check out this kit and consider it for the Toontrack library.

    That Rolling Bomber bass drum would have been perfect for my song “almost asleep almost awake”(it’s on my soundcloud page). I had to use a 808 kick and it sounds cheesy.

    EDIT:There is a description and history of this kit mid about midway through this video.


    Whut???!!! A new update and I missed it? Thanks so much, Toontrack!

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