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Great deals on software, sounds
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Great deals on software, sounds and MIDI!*


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  • wagzisnotadrummer

    Yeah, that sounds really cool! I’m not a drummer, but I think the starting point would be using quite a bit of swing when programing, playing, or choosing grooves.

    I think Toontrack has a piece of software that let’s you take a piece of audio and replace the notes. You could use this to extract the feel of this groove.

    In Cubase, you can import the audio, and use hitpoint detection to help you extract the groove. Then you can use that as a MIDI groove template to program with your own sounds, using whatever drums you want. Most DAWs probably have a feature that will allow you to do this. Sorry I wasn’t more help…


    I don’t have any ideas how to get that sound. Can you provide links to audio/video with that sound?


    Look man, I was just trying to help. lol! LeMort, I never said that he shouldn’t have access to the audio. I just suggested that he shouldn’t click on certain “questionable” links; especially if he’s gonna be so sensitive. And if you are gonna be that sensitive, maybe you should pay more attention to the “warning signs”. They were pretty obvious here. I mean c’mon…it’s Metal….and look at the song names. Look at the name of the product….

    i could ramble more, but if you don’t get it by now…


    NOOOOOOOOOO!!! Too many cool things I want and not enough money! I just got two new Telecasters… See, Toontrack, this is why I need to know in advance when you guys are releasing products. You can’t just suprise me. I won’t have money! Quick! Somebody, give me about $900.00.


    Gary, I think this is mostly a matter of them(most of the Toontrack guys) being from a different culture, I guess. Most of Metal music’s lyrics are like this. I’m not defending Toontrack, but I think you should take it into account as to why they have chosen these bands. And yes, I think they should have found some hardcore believers for the Toontrack Gospel stuff. Maybe it’s a simple matter of them not knowing any? I don’t know. Things seem to be very one-sided. I’m not defending them. I’m just saying…this is the state of Metal as a genre. To a Christian, the product is obviously blasphemous…Metal Gods. So, you probably shouldn’t have clicked “play” on the song files until you were ready to deal with this sorta thing.


    I guess I’ll have to look into Altiverb and some of these Impulse makers that are out there. I see that several studios allowed the Audioese/Altiverb guys to create impulses of their rooms. I’d prefer to use Nebula, though, since I already own it. Good idea about using dry drums sounds and making a virtual room.


    oh. i didn’t know.


    ORIGINAL: Whitten
    …which unfortunately meant I barely got a break over several days.



    well, i liked the new song.


    ORIGINAL: Whitten
    Everything can change from drum to drum, and kit to kit.
    I know when I’m doing one, everything is just so fast and frantic. Every minute is spent recording as many drums as possible for the pack…

    Oh…it all makes sense now! Well, I’d prefer that you guys just continue making drum samples, instead of stopping to take pictures of everything. Good job, guys. Carry on.


    Yes. I can see a few pieces of rack gear and make out some of the mics. I can also see a bit of the room in some of the photos. The studios used in the NY SDX had huge tracking rooms. They look really cool. There is a blurry shot of a track list in the C&V pics…


    I thought responded to this after you posted this question. I guess it didn’t go through. There isn’t any sort of MIDI performance library with Trilian.

    I wouldn’t mind an EZ Bass plugin with upright bass, a Fender P-bass, a McCartney-esque Hofner Viola Bass, and a hollowbody with flatwounds. Preferably, sampled with mic’d amp(Ampeg BR15?) and D.I. perspectives with round robins, several velocities, and a picked or fingered tool option. Include Bass MIDI performance packs for bluegrass, soul, country, rock, and folk…and I won’t be able to give Toontrack my money fast enough.


    I am not interested in Metal. At all. To me, listening to Metal is the same as sittin’ around wearin’ an Undertaker shirt, gettin’ all huffy over how he just came back to life and won a wrestling match. It’s fake stuff. Theatrics. I can’t relate. However, I am stoked that it’s Metal Month! I bought Metal Foundry a few weeks back and it’s pretty sweet. It did not disappoint( Good job, Toontrack!). So, you can keep your cookie monster vocals and horrible detuned guitars. I just want the drums. Preferably, the natural ones with dynamics. This Metal MonthI’m hoping for another SDX, but it’s probably just wishful thinking.

    BTW, I grew up listening to Metal. Now that I’m older, I realize that, to me, Metal is pretty much the same as listening to the Backstreet Boys or Pop Punk.


    Correct. It doesn’t include any MIDI. I wish it did. Although, I think I’d prefer a Toontrack EZ Bass instead. I really like the Toontrack layout and workflow. It’s…EZ.

    Oh yeah…I would be fine buying the module including the samples as long as there are some McCartney-ish Viola basses, upright basses, and hollowbodies with flatwounds, and Fender Precision Bass sampled in multiple velocities round robin with mic’d amp(Like an Ampeg BR15r) and D.I. perspectives.

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