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Ok, I extracted the zipped files and although very, very slow software appears to be downloading. I usually do no have to do this step to download but I guess this is a huge file. Thanks
i take it i am stuck with email i tried demo with so please delete the vperri6@verizon.net user as i cannot use it. Thanks
ok I will read up on this step. i never have problems installing or deleting other software and do indeed delete programs as you have stated not sure of any other way to do those tasks. Thanks
also no I am NOT extracting as far as I know I don’t know what that would be for I just try to run the installer and I get to 1311 error I deleted the lite because its stated something about there’s already a folder with this name so that is why I thought I better delete it. It also looks like i could have saved cash since i had lite but i had no idea only that i had a demo of ez drummer for 10 days before i had an interface to test it. Sorry for all the information.
1311 and yes I deleted the lite right before I hit the install after the 10 minute download I thought it would help not hurt I am running Windows 8 on a Lenovo laptop I hope this is enough info I’m not all that computer literate. it would also be nice to use my main email not sure why it’s demanding I use an email that I used the demo on. Thanks
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