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  • Voxxa

    “After you click the “Install Product” button for the library (part 1 of it) in Product Manager, you get to choose where you want to install it.”

    I didn’t see anything of that when installing. On the contrary, I looked for it. The only thing I found was where to put the downloads, but nothing regarding where to install the libraries. So, now it’s to move around the files to external hard drives.

    Operating system: Windows 10
    • The post has been modified 2 times, last modified 3 years, 4 months ago by Voxxa.


    Thanked by: Bernie Lenhoff

    I think I have the lateste version of Superior Drummer 3. I bought it last week. Did like the improvements you’ve made compared to nr 2. I’m trying to create a seemingly too intricate rythm as it seems. Can’t find any like it in my MID-files, and I do have a lot of them. It seems when I’m deleting notes it has a tendency to crash. This happens mostly during the copy/paste actions.


    Hi! I’ve had four crashes in one day when experimenting with The Grid Editor in Superior Drummer 3. This happened in Studio One 4. I have a home built PC with Windows 10 Pro, 32 Gigs of RAM, Presonius AudioBow iTwo, 2TB SSD drives. Is the error with Toontrack or – perhaps Presonus Studio One?

    I hade to fiddle around with The Grid Editor since there was no MIDI files fitting to what I needed. But… four crashes in one session… that’s bad.


    It’s 14.35 in the afternoon the 6th of May and still the upgrade isn’t available here in Sweden. I mean this is the country of origin to Toontrack and the guys haven’t even made it available. Do they measure only in Pacific time nowadays at Toontrack? Frown

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