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Great deals on software, sounds and MIDI!*


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  • David Tatlock

    I now have the multiple outputs working fine. Now, is there a way to make drumbeat changes? I have a midi plugin called Beat Designer in CE5 which I used to use to program my beats but it only allows beat changes if the track is saved as audio. My question again, is can I have my entire drum arrangement recorded when using multiple out with EZD?

    David Tatlock

    my bad. the extra tracks were just overheads. here’s my next question: how do I convert the individual drum tracks as audio? again, i’m using Cubase essential 5.

    David Tatlock

    how do I open a multi instance?

    David Tatlock

    I tried everything you suggested, but i’m still getting each part of the kit showing up in multiple channels at the same time.

    David Tatlock

    I tried to change the output channels, but when I hit the snare for instance it shows up on two of the tracks even though I have it set to “track 2”. Any idea what I’m doing wrong?

    David Tatlock

    How do I set EZDs outputs to individual outs?

    David Tatlock

    Hey again. I forgot to mention that I’d like to have the drumkit on separate tracks. I tried using the “activate all outputs” option, but the sound only shows up on the EZ1 track and nothing else.

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