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  • vigier_1



    @Erik said:
    No, not unless enough users convince us that it’s something they absolutely must have.

    I have a feeling that this discussion exist because there’s a missconception as to what the Humanize button actually did in EZdrummer 1. As I wrote above, Humanize is only for choosing which samples to play from the sample pool. It has nothing to do with the actual timing of the drummer.

    It’s on now, all the time, exactly as it probably was for all users in EZdrummer 1. So the feature has not been removed.  

    Hi there! This is true: “humanized midi patterns will insist on unrealistically alternating every other bass-drum hits between each kick, even when the pattern is already programmed internally to switch kicks on purpose”. Humanising drums works great when many tracks are playing, but humanised drums do not work well when drums are alone in some parts of the song. Think about it (…will insist on unrealistically alternating every other…)!!!!

    Why would you wait for “enough users” to convince you if stated above is true, and when there is already a humanize function but no GUI?! Add that small button, not a big deal for you!

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