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  • Dino

    Four years after the launch of SD3 and over 3 years after this thread was started and TT and is still not interested about listing to their customers needs. It’s been 4 years since TT has had a major software release. All this company does now is release some new content for their old and some of it antiquated software. You know their upgrade policy likely cost them a small fortune in revenue. Remember all the pictures they had of their super modern office and team on the website, all gone! These two useful id10ts that own this company are too arrogant to make amends with their old clients.

    While I know this subject is widely discussed online everyone for the most part has moved to SS. A reputable solid stable company with a known name on the company letterhead. AD is nice too but it seems most the folks I chat with went to SS. The last SS version upgrade cost me NOTHING! They gave it to me.

    Mac OS, Logic Pro


    Thanked by: A former customer., robegian and Bartholomew Boge

    Instead of paying for a product that didn’t have sustainable upgrade pricing I went out and bought addictive and now slate drums. The slate drums sound better than anything I’ve ever used. I also have the new-ish TT product that I didn’t pay for. TT lost revenue opportunity no skin off me. It’s too bad TT couldn’t just have a decent conversation in this thread instead of a snarky support rep being a total azwipe. Had they conducted themselves in a decent and quite frankly more professional manner I could and likely would still be a customer but I’m not, and I still have the software. Had they said “look folks we looked at our metrics and KPI’s and this really is a decision that we think is best” that would have been an olive branch and decent. Instead we got some snarky soy boy barking like a female poodle and telling all the TT clients they could f-off. Their social media adds would not have taken the pounding they did had they just been civil and communicated in a reasonable non confrontational way. It reminds me of the south park Mormon episode dumb, dumb, dumb, dumb. dumb! It’s not a good idea for software companies to do what TT did because everyone knows they can still get what they want. Too bad so sad for TT.

    Mac OS, Logic Pro


    Thanked by: Bartholomew Boge, kubamajer and Juan Manuel

    The fact of the matter is TuneTrack ended the upgrade program 15 months after V.3.x was released. This is in no way a reasonable practice that anyone I’ve ever seen in the software industry SaaS or stand alone has ever practiced. If it was 36 months I could understand but as of now It’s greedy and just plain wrong to end a program so quickly.

    ToonTrack clearly does not value a large portion of their clientele specifically those of us that have spoken out on Social Media, Blogs and other means of communication. Our voices have been completely ignored! That speaks volumes and tells you everything you need to know about the very sad culture and indifferent aloof management style at this money hungry company. It’s poor in principle and execution.

    If you want a product that is priced reasonably and doesn’t ding your pocketbook Try Steven Slate drums. Some of the samples sit better in the mix and the way it handles MIDI from other libraries is far superior.

    Mac OS, Logic Pro

    • This post was modified 6 years ago by Dino.


    Thanked by: Mighty Unicorn

    This is a complete disappointment. I have never in my life seen a software company end an upgrade program for any reason, ever, period ,end of story. I have a lot invested in SDK’s and EZX’s but my trust, as I suspect with many others is broken. While US $209 I feel is a very fair price for V 3.x ending the upgrade program is clearly a greedy end of year revenue grab. Why should I have to pay for software over again that I have paid full price for initially?

    I just upgraded another platform that I have thousands of dollars into for US $49.99. The price after the new year sale will be US $149.99 but the upgrade program will not end. The software itself is almost US $1000 for a new plugin with no additional products added, yet that company (and any other company for that matter) can upgrade someone for US $149.99 even after special end of the year pricing is no longer available.

    I am finished as your customer Toontrack, you have broken my trust. As I said earlier I believe many others will no longer use your products because you as a company can’t be trusted. In the future you are likely to use the same greedy money grab for this or other products of yours that we as customers (of former customers in my case) own. This is unprecedented for any software that I have ever owned or been aware of in my entire professional career. Pure greed!

    Mac OS, Logic Pro

    • The post has been modified 2 times, last modified 6 years, 1 month ago by Dino.
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