Deals, a new SDX and more!*

Deals, a new SDX and more!*

Deals, a new SDX and more!*

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  • tumbolia

    Yeah, doing everything through PM. Only tried the manual step of installing the EZX’s from their downloads after PM was giving the error and after re-installing EZD2 through PM. I also read every single post in this thread checking all the previously mentioned fixes.

    So last night I uninstalled/installed EZD2 again through PM and rebooted. I DID NOT do any EZD2 updates. I tried installing the EZX’s manually on the older version of EZD2 (knowing that would prob not work) to see if the error language would change. It didn’t. so I let it sit overnight.

    I get your reply (thanks for the quick reply!) and sit down at my Mac and install the three avail updates for EZD2 (core to 1.2.2, midi library, and sound library). Then I went to install the EZX’s to get the screenshots and presto/wtf – both EZX’s install cleanly.  No idea why. The only thing I did different after my 4 hours of working on this was let the old version of EZD2 sit overnight. Sounds silly I know.  Did you do anything on the account on your end (I know that also sounds silly).


    Jumping on this thread…seems like a right of passage! Hah.

    MacOS Monterey, plenty of drive space available
    Purchased EZD2 a while back and got Pop Punk EZX. Has worked fine.

    Last night I purchased EZX’s: Electronic Edge, Singer Songwriter, and The Blues. The Blues installed clean and works. The other two give me the “…upgrade your sampler” error.

    What I have done so far (all have failed):
    1. Tried installing failed  EZX’s manually
    2. Uninstalled EZD2, rebooted, reinstalled EZD2, rebooted, updated EZD2 with available updates, tested the Blues – still worked
    3. Tried to download an install failing EZXs, same error.
    4. Tried to install EZX’s manually, same error.

    EZD2 Installation Info

    Now what? I’m about ay my limit with trying to get this working before going into refund mode.

    Operating system: macOS Monterey (12)
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