I called Toontrack and they said they would have a Mac 64-bit update for Superior Drummer around the end of the year.. yet they did the Windows 64-bit update months ago.. this doesn’t make sense to me.. Snow Leopard has been out for several months.. Logic Pro 9 and the 64-bit update has been out for several months.. all Spectrasonics instruments are 64-bit.. and just about everyone I know uses a Mac for their studio.. I’ll keep hoping that they will speed up this update.. it will make a WORLD of difference once SD goes 64 for Macs!!
Mac OS 10.6.3 - Logic Pro 9.1.1 - 2x3.0 GHz Intel Quad Mac Pro - 5GB RAM - Superior Drummer 2.2.1 - Stylus RMX - Omnisphere - Trilian - Rocktron Prophecy II - Warmoth Guitars
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