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Great deals on software, sounds
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Great deals on software, sounds and MIDI!*


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  • Tormod Guldvog

    I’m trying to move all my Toontrack products to an external drive on a new M1 Mac Studio. I’m old and slow so this is appears to be a daunting process. Does anyone have an easy solution? I probably have 500 GB of files. I just can’t have that much taken on my HD. Please advise.

    Operating system: macOS Monterey (12)

    I think the procedure is different for the various products.

    For EzBass for example:

    I just went through reinstalling 83 Toontrack products on a new Mac and you really need to pay attention when you install things.

    For a company which puts so much effort into their software, it’s incredible how bad their product “manager” is.

    (It’s not really a manager IMHO. It’s a container which lets you see all your products and then manually do every.single.step in the installation process, over and over and over for each product. No automation apart from “Authorize all”.).

    Operating system: macOS Monterey (12)
    Tormod Guldvog

    Yes, 83 products from Toontrack.

    Compared to Native Instruments’ Native Access (I have Komplete 13 + Maschine + lots of extras), TPM is not even close. Native Access has an “Install everything” button and that’s it. It also offers one-click updates for each product.

    Luckily Toontrack’s products are very, very good.


    Thanked by: Jeffrey Sheppard
    Tormod Guldvog

    Currently installing everything on a new Mac. I have 83 products.

    Each and every one needs to be

    • downloaded
    • wait for it to happen………..
    • run install
      • for the apps, allow a helper program to run
      • read important information
    • check agreement, agree
    • set location if necessary
    • hit install again
    • Enter computer password
    • wait for installation to finish………
    • click close
    • allow program access to detachable drive
    • move software to trash?
    • authorize

    If there are any updates:

    • download….
    • install each update (midi, sound etc)
    • tell where it should go
    • enter password
    • wait for it to happen

    Et cetera.



    Thanked by: David Case and Jeffrey Sheppard
    Tormod Guldvog

    Yes, that sounds like a more customer friendly fee structure!

    Tormod Guldvog

    Both here and on Facebook I was told that I should contact support to get more information. But Toontrack is not interested in any communication about this. Here is the answer from support when I asked why the fee was implemented, why it was the same for all products, and why I need to transfer one license at a time:

    Thanks for your email.

    We certainly understand that new policies and procedures can take a moment to get used to, however, it is Toontrack Support protocol to not engage in conversation, speculation or debate regarding the implementation and /or impact of our corporate policies. As we’ve stated, As of June 24th, 2021, Toontrack has implemented a $15.00 USD administration fee for all Toontrack product license transfer requests. We cannot comment as to how or why this came to be.

    If you do want to transfer your serial numbers then they do need to be done one at a time.

    So  it is obvious that this is a corporate money grab to stifle the second hand market.

    I still love Toontrack’s products. I use them all the time. I am not looking to sell them. Toontrack has fantastic developers and work with great sound engineers. But I no longer feel like a valued customer, and I have learned now that Toontrack cares absolutely nothing about me as a loyal user. They are not even willing to discuss anything with me or their user base at all.

    I plan to file a complaint with the EU commission for commerce. But I expect nothing to come of it.

    Shit happens. Good luck, Toontrack.

    Tormod Guldvog


    Which of the following topics would be correct to use in this case? If I choose “license transfer”, which of my 77 serial number should I choose?

    I tried to choose “Toontrack Account Issue”, but it fails and tells me “You did not choose a product”. But there was no field to choose product.

    I can’t choose “License Transfer” since that just starts a license transfer request.


    Thanked by: FRATH
    Tormod Guldvog

    Toontrack’s answer here was exactly what I expected. They appear to do a money grab to kill the second hand market, and want to avoid any discussion with anyone.

    This is truly a nasty way of dealing with loyal customers.

    I have no words for how disappointed I am. I love Toontrack and the products are fantastic. I have spent $1000s to get many of their excellent tools. Yet they slap me in the face with this, and run away from any attempt at open dialogue.


    Thanked by: FRATH, musicjunk and Markonian
    Tormod Guldvog

    Just to elaborate the point since Toontrack apparently is not interested in replying:

    Say I want to sell my EZKeys. I have 5 expansion packs and 35 midi packs.

    That would be 41*$15 = $615. In FEES. This is insane!


    If I wanted to sell all of my 77 Toontrack products, that would be $1155. Just to get rid of them. Thank you Toontrack!


    Thanked by: FRATH and Markonian
    Tormod Guldvog

    I see now that you have introduced a $15 fee for every single license transfer.

    You have not informed your customers, and you have not explained the reason for this fee.

    In a single stroke you have made all expansions packs unsellable on the used market, and alienated 1000s of loyal customers.



    Thanked by: FRATH
    Tormod Guldvog

    I came here looking for the exact same thing. It would be a wonderful addition to an already marvellous toolbox.


    Thanked by: Graham Wong
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