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  • Tony Pirkl

    I don’t know why I bother with you guys…I bought the new upright bass and while it installed, it will not update making it unusable. I’ve tried the auto install and the command prompt method and it fails every time. It seems the “q” addition is the problem…Maybe you should make sure you fix this known bug before you add more product.

    Operating system: Windows 10
    Tony Pirkl

    I had already opened a ticket…#117593

    Operating system: Windows 10
    Tony Pirkl

    Its something they can’t fix…7 months (at least) that the PM install program doesn’t work properly on Win10 64 bit installs. They had me use a command line method to update some of the products but it does NOT work on all (as explained above). I’ve seen nothing but silence since…

    Operating system: Windows 10
    Tony Pirkl

    Toontrack still has not fixed this issue…4 months later. Manual update only, pretty sad.

    Operating system: Windows 10

    PM still haven’t been fixed/resolved to update the EZ Keys from Mellotron v1.0.1, Pipe Organ 1.0.0 and Studio Grand 1.0.0 even using the command line method suggested via email…6 months now. Not real good Toon.

    Operating system: Windows 10
    Tony Pirkl

    Toontrack still has not fixed this issue…4 months later. Manual update only, pretty sad.

    Operating system: Windows 10
    Tony Pirkl

    I’ve been able to do updates using the method support has emailed me but the bottom line is that updates via Product Manager are still an issue (and a royal pain)…

    Operating system: Windows 10
    Tony Pirkl

    The installers start but apparently do nothing…This is for PM (which I deleted per the earlier advice) and I cannot reload PM in any way now. Obviously because of that, I can’t update the EZKeys or EZBass programs either. I have tried to load them by directly downloading the updates but they do not work exactly how the PM installer don’t.

    Operating system: Windows 10
    Tony Pirkl

    I have the exact same conditions but I have removed PM (as was suggested in a similar thread) and now it will not reinstall at all…

    Operating system: Windows 10
    • This post was modified 4 years, 5 months ago by Tony Pirkl.
Viewing 8 replies - 1 through 9 (of 9 total)

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