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  • tonkol

    EDIT: I needed to edit this to include code blocks..

    EDIT EDIT: really? Even code blocks do not allow xml tags? I had to add extra spaces..

    I couldn’t change my location for EZdrummer libraries even when reinstalling (it forced the previous settings) but this did the trick on macOS. If this was already mentioned in this thread my apologies but here it goes.

    Modify file:

    for EZdrummer3:


    and there you have setting you can change the value (be careful when modifying files):

    < key >SourcePath< /key >
    < string >/Volumes/Music/Libraries/Toontrack/EZdrummer 3< /string >

    pretty much same thing goes for Superior Drummer 3:


    < key >SL_Path_SL-SUPERIOR_DRUMMER_3< /key >
    < string >/Volumes/KINGSTON/Libraries/Toontrack/Superior Drummer/SL-SuperiorDrummer3< /string >

    Operating system: macOS Monterey (12)
    • The post has been modified 4 times, last modified 9 months, 4 weeks ago by tonkol.

    Still in 2024 we are having this same issue. Customers must not mean much of anything to you?


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