Deals, a new SDX and more!*

Deals, a new SDX and more!*

Deals, a new SDX and more!*

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  • Toecutter

    But bottomline is (and this is not of your concern in any way, but just a plea to Toontrack) …please release more SDX!

    I asume that once you’ve got the gear and personel together for a session, that accounts for most of the NRE. So it makes sense to record every session as if it was for an SDX. I guess EZX packs sell in greater numbers, but SD is where you really lead the market (EZDrummer does not, for example, compete well with BFD2).

    For the record, I would probably still buy EZX packs if I knew an SDX version would appear a year or so later. I suspect there’s a lot here who’d do the same.



    I don’t see many asking for a Jazz SDX, and it is kinda radical to go from Metal Foundry or the Baressi SDX to jazz.

    The Jazz SDX would pretty much be my ‘killer app’ for SD2. I play a lot of jazz and also use edrums; I’ve played with the Jazz EZX in my local music store and it sounds awesome, but for edrum use I’m holding out for the SDX. Nothing else out there caters for this.

    I would also love to be able to get my hands on an SDX version of Classics – a yammy RC9k is a dream kit for me.


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