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Great deals on software, sounds
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Great deals on software, sounds and MIDI!*


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  • todez_1

    @ajp251 said:

    I would like to know how to export a drum pattern in a more raw form. Example, no mixing done, no compression, no reverb, almost like how it sounds when tracked in the studio, so I can tweek it more to my liking. 🙂

    I’m sorry that I don’t know how to answer your question; too new to all of this yet. From what I’ve heard in SD2, nothing is really mixed or added. If it is, you can make any adjustments you need in the mixer section.


    THANK YOU very much, Scott!


    I will have to expand the sounds available to me in creating different drum sounds. Could you explain the difference between the EZX Sound Expansion Packs and the MIDI Packs, please. I’m assuming the the EZX SPs are the actual different drum kits and their sounds, while the MIDI packs are more of preformed loops. I’m looking more for different sounding instruments since I prefer to create or build my own beats (events) from scratch.

    Are the SDX packs for Superior Drummer basically different drum kits, or are they more MIDI loops?

    Are the EZX SPs and MIDI packs 32 or 64 bit.

    I’m assuming the SDX packs are 64 bit. I’m also assuming that the EXZ products work in Superior Drummer.

    Thank you for your help!


    @Scott said:

    Toontrack solo is a stand-alone application designed to host Toontrack samplers such as Superior Drummer 2.0 and EZdrummer 1. If you need to record your performance or build a song, you’ll need a DAW to do that. There are plenty available (Cubase, Sonar, Pro Tools, Reaper, et al).

    OK, Scott. Thank you. Feeling deceived by my salesperson at the moment!


    So I installed Toontrack Solo. When I was using the Demo of EZ Drummer 2 I was able to create custom “events” and there were tracks for each instrument. Why do I not get those tracks in Superior Drummer in Toontrack Solo and why can I not build custom events? Basically, I can not even create a song at this point!


    @Scott said:

    Standalone operation for S2 is only available if you’ve downloaded and installed Toontrack Solo. Download and install Solo from the Updates section in your S2 product section of your My Products page.

    Thank you, Scott. It didn’t say that in the “Important Read Me” section of the Download, so there was no way of knowing!



    Thank you Mr. Ekblom.

    I would like to have both, but for right now it will have to be one or the other. I’m purchasing a large amount of things (too large really) to get a studio set up. And since I’m recording to sell, I will have to go with SD2 alone for now, due to it’s better quality, even if I might not understand many aspects of the engineering or be able to take advantage of it.

    Thank you for all of your input. I truly appreciate your help!



    Mr. Ekblom,

    Thank you once again. I’m laughing at your comment about a song with only drums being kind of boring. I was hoping to start a new genre, and you’ve dashed my hopes! Just kidding, obviously. But seriously now, I come from 25 year-old technology and I thank you for taking the time to answer my doubts and questions!

    Would you see any advantage in purchasing EZD2 and then getting the upgrade to SD2?

    I’ll be purchasing one or the other (or both) in about a week.

    Thank you!



    Thank you VERY MUCH for that detailed explanation, Mr. Ekblom. I now have a much better understanding of how each program works differently. I feel much better about getting the SD2 now that I do understand there ARE various presets in it as well, and I’m not so worried about “engineering” my own sounds and creating my own presets if I need to do so. I do plan on getting the Latin Percussion EZX.

    I understand that the presets in SD2 are not the same as those in EZD2, but if I purchases EZD2 and then upgraded to SD2 would I be able to use the presets in both? Would there be any advantage to doing that?

    I do understand I would have to do much of the tweaking (drum rolls augmenting, etc) in Studio One, but is it better to run EZD2/SD2 as a stand alone, or is it more beneficial to run it through the host (Studio One in my case)?

    Thank you so much for taking the time to answer my questions!




    I have several questions even after having watched the videos you listed above, a comparison video of EZD vs SD2, and another video about using the EZD2 mixer. I will purchase one of the 2 products, but I have some doubts as to which one at this time.
    1. I understand that I can record all of my custom groves using EZ Drummer 2 or Superior Drummer, just as I would using my Boss Drum Sequencer. Is that correct? Unfortunately, I never find a groove that is close enough to what I want when using the search function.

    2. If I were to make a mistake in the placement of a snare hit while recording a custom grove, for example, how would I correct it? Would I be able to delete all snare hits that were made and start again without wiping out the kick drum, and then record only the snare part once again? Or would I have to start all over with everything?

    3. Can I manipulate the sound of each individual drum in EZD2 & SD, say having a snare drum roll start quietly and getting loader to the end of a measure, or I do I not have that kind of control? How would I do something like that? Would it be done in your program, or would I have to use the automation in my DAW (Studio One)?

    4. Does Superior Drummer come with Latin Percussion Instruments, or would I need to purchase the EZX Pack?

    5. I am not an engineer and do not understand the technical points of SD, but I do want the highest quality sound, and SD has that with its 64-bit library. Would Superior Drummer be “too much” or “confusing” to me? Or will the presets allow me to work creatively as those on EZD would?

    6. How many presets does SD have as compared to EZD2? Are the 80’s, Dance, Etc presets for the kits the same in both?

    7. Do both EZD2 & SD have the same kit presets, such as 80’s, Dance, Distorted, etc?

    Thank you for taking the time to answer me. They will help me determine which version is best for me!


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