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Great deals on software, sounds and MIDI!*


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  • throughthesegates


    The Metal Heads Kit is awesome but I did find it takes a bit of Tweaking. If your programming your songs from scratch you need to take the Snare, Kick and Toms and add a velocity change of about 100


    All Very good comments for this Thread, But I just wanna put in my 2 cents. Im pretty new to recording and mixing and all that Producer stuff. If you want a good Heavy guitar tone here are some pointers,

    1. Dont be a retard, and do your homework on Mic’ing a cab.

    I dont mean no offense by this im just saying. I spent a couple years dealing with a plug in from Ik Multimedia called Amplitube which is a pretty good plug in for gutiars. Take the time to get to know the amp your dealing with get to know the cabinet and spend time with mic adjustments and different angles. I run a Line 6 Spider Valve Tube amp with the matching cabinet. I too have been wondering about that super heavy guitar tone.

    2. Double tracking your guitars is a good effective way of achieving a good tone, but i recently found that if you quad track your rythm guitars so basically 2 tracks hard left and 2 tracks hard right, you get a massive tone. Just make sure you can play to a click track and that all 4 tracks are played exactly the same and on time.

    3. Eq plays a big role on your guitar tone depending how you want it to sit in the mix.

    Now I know im no professional but getting things done the right way helps you accomplish more in the long run. Do your homework and actually take the time with guitar sounds and mic placements and angles, even try 2 mic’s if at all possible. Im super happy with the tone that I am finding with my Through These Gates music which is my solo project.

    Thanks for the Thread, This is a good topic and can go many ways with it.


    what drum kit are you using? How did you get it to Pop like that and are you programming the drums from scratch or using Pre recorded patterns. Email me at


    im pretty sure everything is up to date with Superior its just so weird because i can open up ez drummer and use the patterns but when I load any drum kit with the Superior Interface it does not work. I can listen to them but cant drag them into My host.


    nope it doesnt even select the Pattern its wierd because I can preview the pattern in the superior drummer interface but when I click to drag it over it does nothing


    One thing I dont understand here,

    Is why take the easy way out by using Presets? What exactly are you gonna learn in the process. If you do everything from scratch than thats when the learning process begins. You figure out what sound you want and you make it. Thats how you become a great engineer.



    I actually take each Mic and Route it to my host and Mix everything in my Host Program rather that in superior drummer mixer. ( Reason Being ) I am new to recording audio mixing and mastering so with doing this you get to play around with everything. I learned so much more in the process of doing it this way. Wanna hear one of my mixes

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