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Great deals on software, sounds
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Great deals on software, sounds and MIDI!*


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  • Thorsten

    @John said:

    the SD3 standalone application does not by itself dictate the latency when you are playing but rather the audio interface you’re using and its drivers.


    Fine! If I’m right the older Toontrack SOLO VST-hoster does not allow sample buffer size settings below 64 samples. I’m using RME gear for this and never go over 32 samples on the ASIO driver dialogue inside my audio-interface. VST drummers are fighting for every millisecond less if possible.


    @John said:

    Is it something specific you wish to know? What are the capabilities of other manufacturers that you wish SD3 has?


    If you meaning my person: My wishes to Toontrack are even more than you probably would aspect. Wink I like to see from Toontrack – perhaps together with a suitable hardware manufacturer – a complete new trigger technologies without primitive piezo triggering and without the old midi format together with one new trigger to computer module with many inputs. Modern drummers are so tired of 80th old school drum synthesizer modules with plastic and rubber pads. The problem is: E-drummers which are using the Toontrack products don’t really need a drumsound module. They need just a good converter. Toontrack: It is time to think about this. Because this gear is not available on market. And this is so bad.

    OK back to present age:
    In the world of the awfully midi format it is important to see on the same graphical GUI which articulation is reacting when moving a HiHat CC controller slider or moving the points of the velocity curve inside SD3. Also for CC data for snaredrum. (Positional sensing) I’m disappointed about the three moveable points in the velocity curve on SD2. You can move them but you never know the exact values (position) from each point and also you will not see clearly what velocity articulations right now are changing if you move a curve point when you are hitting the drum/cymbal. Also just three moveable points from 0-127 should probably not enough. Compare SD2 to other companies they make those e-drum settings more meaningful and clearly on display. Hopefully SD3 will be in this case a game changer. Thanks



    Just my 2cents to this topic.
    In my opinion all exists midi/drum editors from each DAW apps on market are less useful as they should be. Why? Because they are IMHO all not enough musical as they should be: For me a good midi/drum editor must be able to analyse a groove in a right musical way. In context to the timeline the editor must be able to “understand” which note is probably meaning as a 8th – 16th note or even at the same groove a uneven triplet note and so on. Then automatically the editor should colourized schematically all individual notes inside the groove to see immediately if a note is to early or to late on the grip. Simply select than one specify colour and all notes with this colour will move full or like 50-80% (or whatever you want) to the straight grip. This would be a fast musical way to adjust just the most timeless notes on a groove with just one step. without destroying the natural feel to much. But as I described above – In this case a midi/drum editor has to know exactly what the note is meaning on the timeline. Right know no commercial midi/drum editor on market will have this “intelligent” know-how. And it comes more complicated if the timeline is not constantly with the same strictly time. (When recording without click track) In this case all editors sucks straight way.

    So, Toontrack is specializing in making natural sounding VST instruments and making natural feeling (midi) drum grooves. They should know what I’m meaning. We will see what the new Grid editor inside SD3 is able to do.


    Yes, please dear Toontrack team.

    Explain fast as possible this new advanced e-drum features of SD3. Like a real drummer I’ve been waiting for this point since more than 6-8 years from Toontrack! Noticing to this until now the e-drum functionality from SD2 is far away from capabilities other manufacturers like FXpansion and XLN Audio for so long time. Hopefully Toontrack did take advantage to wait so many years for a good solution in new e-drum features of SD3. Of course a good sounding drum library is very important. But for modern real drummers it is much more important how a modern VST drum system will reacting if hitting a (e-) drumset with less latency settings as possible. It seems the new SD3 version comes with a own stand-alone application. Hopefully this is a much better solution than the old and IMHO unfinished “Solo” application at all. Thank you very much with best regards.



    “Have the app tell Windows that it is not DPI aware and let it scale everything properly. (Granted, this is not the ideal solution, but it does make the apps usable again)”

    AND this is the point! SD sounds great with an unusable interface from the past decade. Other manufactures like fxpansion are still in the 3th generation since years! This is not acceptable. And it’s not only the enlarge size windows problem. There are so many things to bring SD up to date. How long shout we wait for the next SD generation? Please dear Toontrack team make it possible right now! For example with a modern SD App it should be unnecessary to use a rudimentary SOLO host program with ugly windows size and limited functionality for timely E-Drum using. Again: We are living in 2016 and not any more in the 90th with boring synthesizer drum modules. Did I say Midi? Just another example for boring and antique solutions. What to hell is here going on?




    Same here with Firefox and Google Chrome:

    “Access denied – you do not have permission to view this page”

    Anyway: We need immediately a new SD stand alone generation with modern GUI and touchable screens and more accurate E-Drum functionality.

    Thank you very much with best regards



    @joste said:

    …the manifest – workarounds dont work with *.dll – files. Superior Drummer is only a VST.dll
    Best workaround (not a solution) for the moment is a second screen with 1024x768Px Resolution.
    – workaround for resolution
    – workaround for e-drummer
    – workaround for hh-settings
    – workaround for inconsistent mapped packs
    – workaround for default configs (save all in combined presets)
    and im sure if i dive deeper in this BShit-ups, sry… i find many more ways to waste my time.
    This is not a nice Programm – the workflow with it is a relapse into the 90´s.
    Jumping from workaround to workaround….
    bad bad bad
    Solution: Toontrack – build a modern version and give us registered pained users a FREE-UPDATE.
    Nothing other brings us (I know I’m not the only one) back…

    The (also to small screen) solution should be easy! SD sounds great and feel as E-Drum user mostly direct with less latency issues. BUT! Some other drum VST manufactures are in the 3th generation with a highly recommended stand alone version. I’m waiting since years for a timely 3th SD generation from Toontrack. Please no more those rudimentary Toontrack solo host for this application! Dear Toontrack team do you sleeping? Please next time no more exclusivity SDX expansion packs each month. We need immediately the next SD generation and not more and more expansion packs! Please do your job and make SD go for modern producing and modern E-Drum using like touchscreen handling and so on. Thank you very much with best regards



    “Something Big is Coming” in “Metal Month November”

    Hopefully not another SDX Metal Library. At first I would prefer a completely new designed SD 3.0 Version also touch screen operated,

    See here:




    ORIGINAL: fizbin

    In this scenario, for a dedicated onstage screen for Superior, you should lower the resolution, making things appear larger.

    No, this might be not a good idea! Because if you use like me the onboard GPU from Intel core i5 CPU (Intel HD Graphics 4000) and not an external GPU card you will loose on 10″ monitor some screen mask and some bottoms. (800x 600) With the Intel HD Graphics the smallest practicable screen resolution on 10″ monitor is 1024 x 768. And in this resolution the interface from SD for touch screen using is definitively to small!

    And I have say something more to this:

    I’m afraid that the Team from Toontrack (Also some other VSTi Manufacturers) underestimate a little bit the potential to use SD in real time live on stage. The problem is right now: If you like to use modern and high performing Sounds like SD for drumming you have first buy one old school and terrible sounding drum module for extremely overpriced money (like ROLAND TD-30) to use this old gear just as one drum to midi converter. If you have a normal drum set up with some extra Pads for FX sounds like cowbells, timbales and so on you probably need two modules for enough trigger inputs. NOT ACCEPTABLE!!! This is a very big frustration factor for modern drummers!

    I’m waiting since years for a professional trigger input computer solution optimized for SD fitted in a road ready enclosure and ready to go! Such software/hardware drum systems would sell much more than just the software for using in studio scenarios! I’m sure. But to control such a revolutionary unit means to control this with a modern and stage sizeable touch screen gear like 10″ iPad styles. So first and please right now Toontrack should make the SD interface ready for modern controlling this with touch screen monitors because Toontrack is a software developer and should able to do this. After this Toontrack please should looking for a cooperation with some competent Audio hardware manufactor to realize such a revolutionary software/hardware solution which should change dramatically the industries standards in E-drumming segment without using needless old school modules.

    Please any official comments from Toontrack to this. Thank you very much with best regards



    ORIGINAL: Martin

    We really appreciate your input on this matter. Personally I use an iMac 27″ and do not have a problem with the size of the interface. On the other hand I have Superior Drummer in front of me 8 hours a day (or more..), so I’m kind of used to it by now . I totally understand that some people like it bigger, and I too appreciate when there is a resize feature for a plugin. I will make sure to forward all your suggestions to the Development Team, but if and when there will be a change, I really can not say. Just know that it is duly noted and that we treasure your feedback!

    I will push this very important thread again:

    Dear Toontrack Team, did you ever think about drummers which using your famous software in realtime on stage? They will never use such big 27″ monitors on stage close to the drumset! Sorry for this. Sometimes maybe one 15″ Laptop. But a professional solution this days means one real fast desktop PC with High End Audio-Interface gear fitted in a special 3HE 19″ Computer enclosure inside one 19″ stable road case. So in consequence less is more on stage! No keyboard, no mouse just one 10″ industrial touch screen to control Superior Drummer!—25-4-cm–touchscreen-monitor-schwarz.html&XTCsid=b61e55bd97bec9d7f7c3a5221710b807

    And Gentleman from Toontrack, did you ever tried to use SD with such a 10″ touch screen interface? You will have much fun! Belief me! Many bottoms inside SD are so terrible small no way to control precise with one finger touch. You have to redesign your interface immediately! Please implement a Live Modus. For example: I touch one fader/knob/bottom and it comes bigger to control it exactly with one finger. Please think modern and fast! Windows 8 will change to control DAW/plugin stuff extremely with touch screen feel. Next time probably I will control those special fast Drum computers for real time/stage using with upcoming hand held gear like multitouch iPad format. So do not stay in past! Think forward and change please your interface for modern using now.

    Thank you very much greats



    It seems to be true.

    Here on a German trailer:

    Please see on the down right corner a small memo: (Ausgenommen [excludes] ROOTS Bundle, NY STUDIOS VOL. 3 SDX)

    greats Trommeltotti


    But surely not at New York Studios “Allaire” and “Hit Factory”. There are closed!

    “The Lost New York Studios”

    greats Trommeltotti


    ORIGINAL: fizbin

    My wish list for the next version of Superior:

      [*] A tape/tube saturation emulation insert
      [*] A convolution reverb insert

    Specially for this I go with you!

    Current plug ins inside SD are results to relationship/partnership with Sonalksis. At this moment Sonalksis do not offer such a tape/tube simulation or a reverb plug in. Nevertheless, it would be nice to have those features inside SD.




    ORIGINAL: Olle

    Just wanted to point out that our intention is that you should do that with the
    velocity transform of the hatsCtrl Articulation. Just incase you had missed
    that, but perhaps you find it inadequate.

    /Olof W

    That’s maybe the right word for this: A little bit “inadequate”

    To control personally the HiHat open to fully closed articulations with CC Data you first have to know what actually articulation is right now sounding. Then you have to know which CC 4 values is triggering which articulation. (For example CC 4 value 105-127 is triggering fully closed) Yes you can use the “velocity transform” for “hatsCtrl” in SD but this is not really comfortable in use. If you have a visual window which is able to highlight the sounding articulation in real-time you can see exactly what’s happen when you move the HiHat foot up and down. Please see potential solution for this here:

    <img src="″&gt;



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