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Great deals on software, sounds
and MIDI!

Great deals on software, sounds and MIDI!*


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  • Thomas Hyland

    @Mer said:

    But what is special about the EZ drummer 2 Metal edition??
    I just bought EZ Drummer 2 + all 4 Metal expansions (1 for free) for €262. Thought that was a better deal.Laugh

    You sir have just saved me a bit of money there and I managed to get the new Prog pack so thank you very much!! 😀

    I’ve also discovered the problem was most likely a VAT calculation since the prices were different by 20% however when I purchased the items the prices went back down to the prices displayed in the descriptions Smile

    Thomas Hyland

    Have screenshots of both the item description and cart. I’m in the UK and this pricing is appearing on all my devices (PC,iPad & iPhone)EZdrummer-249.png


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