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  • Theorem

    Hey guys,

    I tried your suggestions and was able to get the hihat to register closed. Just had to reduce the hard setting to about 100 and I’m able to get a closed sound. One last quick question, is there any way to further tweak a parameter to get tight closed sounds? Or is that just a limitation of using it in VH-11 mode? I was able to do it in VH-12 mode but found that the range of pedal motion that affected the pedal CC was too small.

    Should I be able to fiddle with the hard velocity to allow my pedal to trigger a tight closed sound? Or is that done somewhere else?

    Thanks again, I’m so much happier with this! 🙂


    Thanks Rogue!  I’m looking foward to seeing if I can fine tune this to get it perfect.  I really appreciate the help.


    Thanks grandaddy!  That sounds promising!  I’ll try that asap  🙂


    Thanks for the quick replies!
    Here’s what I’ve done so far, just in case this background helps.  I initially had my TD-12 set up so my hihat was a VH-12.  I noticed from watching a graph of the signal that the range of pedal motion that actually changed signal was tiny.  So, I could set my offset so that when I closed my pedal it would give a tight sound perfect and open would give a fully open sound.  But it was only using a tiny fraction of the pedals motion, such that I couldn’t ever get a consistent 1/4 or 1/2 open, it’s just rapidly bypass that and go out of range and read open.  So I made due by setting my offset so that if a song needed a steady 1/4 open sound my minimum signal would be that.  But if there was a song that needed a hihat riding beat, and then a closed hihat beat, I was kinda out of luck haha.  😉
    When you use your hart pedal as a VH-12 do you find the pedal motion range that sends a valid signal is very small, John?  Or is it possible that I have a less sensitive pedal?  Do you use the hihat control adapter that Hart sends with their pedals?
    Anyway, one day I accidentally set the hart hihat to be recognized as a VH-11 in the TD-12.  Now, when I move the pedal, it gives a near perfect range in that every minuscule movement of the pedal from full down to full up is sending a useable CC value.  The only downside is that it’s lowest signal it sends triggers a loosely closed hihat sound.  In a perfect world, I could just use an offset in that setting to lower it about 20% and it would be exactly right.  But with a VH-11 setting there is no offset that I can find.  I’ve previously used the settings nirzfan suggested and that’s when I started to notice the improved dynamics of that hart pedal, but it still won’t let me get a closed sound.
    So what’s where I am, with it set as a VH-12, I can get basically open or closed sounds with no useable mid range during live play.  With a VH-11 setting, I can get great dynamics for everything from 1/4 open to full open but can’t seem to offset it to have my pedal send a CC value low enough to register as closed. 
    I’ll try using it in Solo with e-drums, but looking at the graph on my TD-12, I know it won’t send a control signal low enough for S2.0 to trigger a clsoed hihat sound.  The lowest setting is just at the indicator line in the hihat tab of my TD-12.  Is there a way in S2.0 to tweak the hihat control range?  Like tell it that instead of a 0-127 range it has to use a ~20-127 range and to linearly interpolate from there?  That would 100% solve my problem if there’s a way to tweak what CC notes trigger what hihat sound range.
    Thanks again guys, and sorry for the wall of text.  I just know there’s gotta be some way to make it work because the dynamics in the NirZ demos were flawless.  🙂


    Hi John,

    Ever since watching NirZ’s original demo video, I’ve been wanting that exact Hart and S2.0 setup. A few grand later, I’ve got the Hart Pro 6.4, a TD-12, and S2.0. But, for the life of me I can’t get the Hart hihat to act as good as it does on the video… Is that a limitation of the TD-12?

    Essentially, I followed the guides I could find and I get a beautiful range and dynamic, but no way to get a closed or closed tip articulation. So, if I close the pedal, I get a 1/4 closed sound. I tried mapping the closed and closed tip articulations but it seems to not work right at all. Do you have any advice for me? I seem to be using your exact set up… What am I doing wrong? Any chance you could share your TD-12 settings for yout hihat as a starting point to see if I’m way off? Or maybe even tell me if you told your TD-12 that it was a VH-11 or a VH-12? I’d really appreciate the help.

    Thanks! 🙂

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