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Great deals on software, sounds and MIDI!*


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  • theinhumanwretch


    Yes, it defaults to ‘triggerIO’. Any other thoughts?



    Hi — thanks for responding.

    I purchased EZdrummer and successfully installed it along with Toontrack Solo on my computer. I also downloaded the most recent updates. I am able to start Toontrack Solo and have it host EZdrummer, and clicking the drums with the mouse works fine.

    However, I am not able to get my Alesis Trigger IO to create any sound through EZdrummer when I play on the electronic drumkit. I tried changing Toontrack Solo to ‘Options->Controller->E-drums’, but I’m not getting any sound. The Alesis Trigger IO is responding (the lights on the IO turn on when I hit the drumhead triggers), and the Trigger IO installed successfully on the computer, and I know that it used to work as the previous owner successfully used EZdrummer via Garageband.

    Am I missing a step here? Does anything need to be enabled to generate sound? I am running Windows 7, 64 bit.




    Sorry, but I am still confused a bit. I have the exact same situation as the original poster: I have an e-drum kit and an Alesis IO with 12 inputs. I would like to be able to use all 12.

    Can you explain precisely what I will need to practice on this kit? I am not interested in mixing or recording — I just need to be able to hear the triggers. I’m using Windows 7. I have no “host” or “sequencer.”

    From what I have pieced together from the forums, I have to:

    1. download Toontrack solo (free)
    2. download EZdrummer
    3. Download an expansion pack, such as metal machine, to play all 12 inputs

    Is this correct? I’m looking for the least expensive option.

    Thank you.

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