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Great deals on software, sounds
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Great deals on software, sounds and MIDI!*


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  • terrasini74

    Oh man, i see google results where people are asking in 2012 “is superior drummer 3 coming out soon?” Here we are in 2016 and still no Superior Drummer 3. But i honestly don’t know what they can improve upon! SD 2.3 does everything i can ask for. I guess they could always add more samples, like drum rolls, cymbal swells, etc. Other than that, i don’t have any suggestions. SD 2 is so flexible. The fact that you can edit the articulations is amazing. Like i can have the snare center hit at one volume/pitch, and i can have the rim shot at another volume or pitch.
    I do wish the expansion kits were cheaper. They cost almost as much as SD2 itself.
    I know one thing. If SD3 is released, i for sure am upgrading! But i hope the SDX expansion kits for SD2 will be compatible with SD3(if it’s ever released).

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