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Great deals on software, sounds
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Great deals on software, sounds and MIDI!*


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  • Gerald Sharp

    Hi All

    Just what to add my sixpence worth, that I have a fibre line, and bought superior drummer 3 and am experiencing a consistent 1.2m per second on a 10m fibre line. This is unusual. While the download is running, a speedtest shows 8.75 download speed, which makes sense to me ,as together with the 1.2m being used, by the manager, it makes nearly 10, which is what I expect. However, I am wanting the download speed to be 10, and this would indicate that the issue is most likely on the Toontrack side, whose servers seem to be only pushing out these lower speeds. Hope this helps someone find a solution for others in the future. I am prepared to grin and bare it, because I am super excited about the product. At least the products is coming down without error. 🙂

    Kind regards

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