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  • synergyaa

    ORIGINAL: tazinnuedo

    i have put some variable resistance to adjust sensitivy… would be very helpful show us the variable resitance..

    for the moment i have some troubles between bow and edge because 18 inches is very big and the cymbal vibrates a little bit… i have to adjsut some details…

    considering you experience,which is the optimum size for a ride?(3 zones with choke)crash,hi hat advice too.

    i will draw a schema…when i will have the time to…
    See your new schem would be fantastic.Any problems with the original choking system?It´s not enough?

    thanks in advance


    fantastic tazinnuedo,did you do it with the same resistor values as Pfozz?exact the same way? could you show a detail screenshot of your choking system? maybe a bigger explanation would be very very helpful,any retrigger problem? how them works?,please talk about them,and show us details of construction :),they look awesome.

    thank you very much

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