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  • sylvestre.p


    • I should have said that I already tried the update manually , but anyway, how can I update the soundsats ?
    • about the c&v an c&v add ons , I know there are sound library updates but from my position I think it should be for free…!
    • (notice I agree with Vincent miller, my own best past drum progs have been done with those sound library )
    • can someone tell-me what “Superior_Sounds_Install_Fix_MAC_150 ” is made for ? (I didn’t run this ’cause I don’t understand in which case we have to use this ).

    sylvestre perrusson
    -macbook pro 2 Ghz intelcore i7, 8 Go DDR3 DP9, LIVE9, MAC osX : 10.13.6 ( high Sierra )


    hi thx, the superior 1.6.0 fails to install & update the soundstats , the error message is weird

    it says approx. :

    “the install soft couldn’t install the soft ’cause he doesn’t have found soft to install” …

    today I can use every Toontrack library, except custom&vingtage and c&v.add-ons, I can’t either use the original superior DFH library , I can’t even find the way to download this library today, it doesn’t even appear in “my products” by the way and SD2 upgrade didn’t install a sound library either.

    Toontrack should maybe purpose a free upgrade for original superior DFH , custom&vingtage and c&v add ons library owners to some complete EZX or SDX library versions. or try again to make it work in a much easier way…

    sylvestre perrusson
    -macbook pro 2 Ghz intelcore i7, 8 Go DDR3 DP9, LIVE9, MAC osX : 10.13.6 ( high Sierra )


    Thanked by: Ant Glee

    hi, no differences , as a matter of fact superior wants me to set the path for “dfh superior”, but I do not find any “DFH superior ” library, even if PM tells-me that superior drummer 2 upgrade is ready for use ( you can refer to my already posted PM screen shot, it’s the same today ) …

    Operating system: macOS High Sierra (10.13)

    sylvestre perrusson
    -macbook pro 2 Ghz intelcore i7, 8 Go DDR3 DP9, LIVE9, MAC osX : 10.13.6 ( high Sierra )

    • This post was modified 3 years, 10 months ago by sylvestre.p.

    Hi John ,

    I use the last Superior Drummer 2 (2.4.4 )  in Product Manager for my macbook (OS X.13.6)

    about Product Manager, as u can see in this screen shot, no there is no way to reinstall C&V nor C&V add on,  because there is no available installers within PM. (but my updated and organized sounds bank are already installed on an external hard disk since a long time )


    sorry, bu what does “IICR” mean ?

    about the several check boxes, after a lot of try, it appears to me that it doesn’t change anything :

    ( in the construct view, no sounds are available when the S1-drummer expansion pack is on set )


    Well, I have to product music, I can not spend all my time to try to make everything work normally,

    I use to like a lot DFH and add ons, but I can’t hide my disappointment about those Custom and vintage sounds I can’t no more use, it tastes to me like a slice of programmed obsolescence …

    Best Regards,


    Operating system: macOS High Sierra (10.13)

    sylvestre perrusson
    -macbook pro 2 Ghz intelcore i7, 8 Go DDR3 DP9, LIVE9, MAC osX : 10.13.6 ( high Sierra )


    hi there ,

    my issue I own SDrummer 2, a lot of ZDX library than work fine, but since I had to update my laptop to Mac os 10.13,

    I can not use no more my dfh custom & vintage nor c&v add on within SDrummer 2.

    even if I set the paths  witch look green checked after that, a window that says I have to set the path always appear instead of

    opening those library sets.

    I tried to reinstall Sdrummer 2 and I also tried the c&v update library with the Product manager ,

    but those installers seams doesn’t work with the ox 10.13…

    I’m quite disappointed here… if somebody can help, I’ll be honored ..


    sylvestre perrusson
    -macbook pro 2 Ghz intelcore i7, 8 Go DDR3 DP9, LIVE9, MAC osX : 10.13.6 ( high Sierra )

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