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Great deals on software, sounds and MIDI!*


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  • sveje77

    Ah, a clear hint! That emoticon looks like a Slipknot mask, so it must be either a Joey Jordison or a Jay Weinberg EZX, SDX or Midi Pack! 😉 😉 😉

    Unfortunately I never liked Sliknot.

    • This post was modified 5 years, 4 months ago by sveje77.

    Both expansions are sold.




    still for sale:
    – Toontrack The Progressive Foundry SDX
    – Toontrack Metal Machinery SDX

    Price reduced to 69 EUR each. 

    • This post was modified 6 years, 2 months ago by sveje77.

    Thank you very much, Scott. I‘ll have to wait 3 more hours to download the Razor Wire preset sample but so far especially the Luke‘s Kit sample sounds very good. And just as I suspected the SDX’ Toms sound sooo much better than in the EZX version. I really don‘t know why they made them sound so mushy because apart from that the EZX sounds really good.

    Well I guess it‘s time to spend some money for the SDX. 🙂


    I work @ 44.1 kHz. But if it‘s easier for you to bounce @ 48 kHz, that wouldn‘t be a problem, I can convert it to 44.1.


    Hey Scott, is your offer to bounce the MIDI file for me still valid?

    I’m sorry if I’m a nuisance. But I currently have a good offer for the SDX and must decide in a timely manner if I accept it.


    That‘s very nice of you, Scott, thank you!

    And I don‘t think this would violate the license agreement. It‘s just a 30 sec file to give me an idea if the library would work for me. Just to help me decide if I should invest 140 EUR and buy it.

    Oh, and if you think that any other factory preset works better for metal than (or as good as) „Luke‘s Kit“, I would be grateful to get a short clip of that, too.


    Well, now I own SD3 for two days and I can answer the questions above myself. Yes, it takes a couple of seconds (more) to load a huge 4 GB preset (“Djent style” for example) from the external SSD, the internal SSD’s reading speed is about 4x faster. But it’s nothing that really annoys me much. And most of the factory presets make use of all parts of the library, so yes, they sound different with only the basic library installed.

    And Henrik was right, I did not regret the purchase of the crossgrade. The Grid Editor is just amazing. Finally I don’t have to struggle with Logic’s piano roll and step editor anymore. Articulations can easily be changed, velocity too. Everything appears to be really well thought-out und the UI is much more user-friendly and clear than I expected. Haven’t really got my head around the mixer yet, but I’m sure I will get the hang of it. I get a little intimidated though when clicking through the presets and looking at how much was done in the mixer to get the sound. Holy crap, so many effects, so many stacked instruments, so many different routings… I guess I would never be able to get anywhere near this by myself. So yeah, I guess pre-processed samples and/or professional presets will still be my way to go. Thankfully SD3 has loads of great presets.

    And again I have been overwhelmed by GAS and ordered The Rock Foundry SDX, too. That ‘tallica Black Album preset I heard in a couple of youtube clips… Wink


    @OnlyLeura said:
    I’m a registered owner of SD3, because I registered my Sweetwater purchase of SD3 with the “Register New Product…” function in Product Manager, using the serial number provided in the Software Activation Instructions e-mail from Sweetwater. So, I’ll just use the Contact Support button in the FAQ. Thanks, Scott.  

    Same here. Registered the Crossgrade to Superior Drummer 3 in the Product Manager, but haven‘t got access to the SD3 support forum, only the Pre-Sales subforum. Can one of the admins please unlock the forum for me? Thanks in advance!


    Sorry to pester you with even more questions, but I have two more:
    1. Do the factory/producer presets make use of the complete library (all 5 parts, incl. the surround mics) and will therefore sound different depending on how much parts I have installed or do they already sound pretty much as they should with only the basic library installed?
    2. How much would an external USB 3.0 SSD affect the loading time of the presets/kits compared to the internal SSD of my iMac? I am considering to buy an external SSD for the library, but assuming that the Superior kits have a much larger file size than the ones in EZD2, I’m afraid that loading presets/kits through USB 3.0 would make clicking through the preset library much slower. How much additional loading time should I expect approximately? Are we only talking about a couple of milliseconds, a couple of seconds or more?


    Henrik said: „You don’t need the entire library for Superior Drummer 3. You can start with the basic installation, which is about 40 GB Cool. If you later want more room and ambience mics, you can add those then!“

    And I can safely do without Downloads 3 and 4, if I only mix in stereo, right?


    Dammit, I couldn’t resist and just bought the crossgrade. 250 EUR for a Grid Editor… my wife will kill me. Embarassed


    For straight ot-of-the-box mix-ready presets that cover everything from prog rock to metal go for the „Progressive“ EZX. If you want a less pre-processed, warmer sound – that perhaps might need some additional processing to sound less dull, depending on your track – choose „Made Of Metal“. Both libraries are very, very good and well worth the money.

    Personally, I prefer the „Progressive“ EZX, although I‘m a big fan of Colin Richardson‘s productions (the guy did Carcass‘ „Heartwork“ and Bolt Thrower‘s „For Victory“!). But that‘s just my personal preference. Ask 100 other people and you will get 100 different answers.

    But before you buy additional libraries, try out the EZD2 Modern „Basic“ preset and switch the whole Kit to „Yamaha 9000“. You might be surpised how great the basic library can sound for metal.


    The obvious answer would be Andy Sneap‘s „Metal Machine“ EZX. However, I always found the Kicks in that library lacking punch and low end. The original DFH and its successors „Metal!“ and „Metalheads“ are all produced and/or engineered by Daniel Bergstrand and have a certain sound in common that IMHO sounds a little dated. Colin Richardson‘s „Made Of Metal“ has a much more natural, less processed approach which perhaps would need some additional EQ/processing to fit in a dense metal mix and not sound dull. But its “Steel Truth” preset might be a good starting point. I also bought the “Progressive” EZX a couple of days ago, really like the „Metalsesque“ and „Default DW“ presets‘ kicks, snares and cymbals for rock/metal, but the Toms are lacking punch and definition, sound somewhat distorted and mushy.

    Have you tried the Yamaha 9000 Kit from EZdrummer 2‘s Modern library? I find that one very suitable for metal. Just load the „Basic“ preset and change the Kit to Yamaha 9000 = metal goodness. Cool


    Thanked by: seanski
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