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  • Kurt Straughn

    I have repeatedly loaded Ezdrummer2 onto Reaper and get a screen that states “EZdrummer is not authorized to run on this computer!” The screen (with “LITE EDITION” in the upper corner, although I did not buy the Lite Edition) also states, “To authorize, please follow these instructions:

    1. Copy or writed down this Computer ID
    2. Locate your serial number (found on the back of your DVD-sleeve or inside your DVD-box)
    3.  Go to and follow the intructions. (which puts me here)
    4. Paste your authorization code here”

    Yet when I go to the Toontrack Product Manager I find that my computer IS authorized. I bought Ezdrummer through online download so I DO NOT HAVE A DVD-SLEEVE OR DVD-BOX to locate my serial number.

    1. Why is there a “Lite Edition” screen of any kind appearing when I am using an Ezdrummer2 product? That’s confusing.
    2. Why am I being asked to provide a serial number from a DVD-sleeve or box when I downloaded the product? That’s confusing.
    3. Which is what led me here (which may be a Reaper question, but I’m new to Reaper and Ezdrummer is not being intuitive so….is the problem Reaper or Ezdrummer?): Why do I see channel VUs showing my Ezdrummer midi file apparently playing, but there is no audio output or VU meter movement on the master output? I can’t find anything about why my channels do not default to the master output; could it be because Ezdrummer thinks it is not authorized on my computer? If so, why am I able to use Ezdrummer as a standalone and load midi from it to Reaper?


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