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Great deals on software, sounds and MIDI!*


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  • Stubby03

    Thanks John, I will try that.


    I updated to the latest build. It corrected the problem. I use EZ with Mixcraft. Since the update, I am having probs with virtual instruments and EZ. I cant get them to play at the same time. I have a drum track created. I opened a virtual instrument to play it. The EZ box, where it has MIDII in/out starts flashing check interface. When I close the virtual, EZ goes back to playing the drum track. I don’t know how to get both to play at the same time.


    I hit menu, go down to project, hit save, overwrite my current file.


    Thank you. I figured out how to move whole sections of tracks. I have another problem. I have a saved drum track to a song saved. I made a few adjustments to the track. I saved the track, over writing the previous saved track, only to load it later, and the changes were not saved. I have tried this a few times. The changes are not saved. Anybody else ever have this problem.


    Great. Hate to ask how to, wish there was a manual that explained how. Thank you

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