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  • stevenp_1

    @Adam Stanley said:
    Hi all

    I’m having sensitivity issues with my e-kit and Superior. The kick in particular doesn’t respond well to anything other than hard hits. It picks up all my notes, but anything other than really big hits are registered with very low velocity, prompting a load of editing.

    Also, I can’t play with my normal finesse because I’m overcompensating for how hard I have to strike each surface.

    Any tips for a noob would be much appreciated – I’m trying to go for good takes rather than editing the heck out of my songs so that I don’t sound like a rank amateur!

    Thank you.  

    Had this same problem with my new DTX760 kit with the KP100. It was all fixed by upgrading the firmware to v1.10. The new firmware has a startup that lets you selectthe proper kit for pad settings. I think the default on the old firmware is for the KP65 kick pad, which seems to be mroe sensitive, etc.

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