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  • spaadero

    Sounds understandable. I’ll try. As this problem is assigned only to millenium parts of my set.

    btw is there a map of midi configurations cause even though I’m choosing the Millenium E-drum set in the settings there are wrong assignments on the drums. For example on Black on blue set i get crash sound on tom1 ring shot.



    I shot a video about my problem. Link below. Hope you can hear the difference on sounds as the load bar goes further. I thought first this is about the millemium sensitivity but then I realized the sounds are there, but something somehow over runs/writes the sounds.

    Hope this guides you to the source of problem. It can be a small thing. I really don’t have any experience on these things. Though I’m not a newbie on computers. I couln’t link this, but there is the address.


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