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  • SIRO_J

    @Suffer the Consequence said:

    That’s a pretty fat guitar tone! And some damn nice riffs too!
    Really liked the part that first begins at 1:14

    Thanks bro ! nice to see such comments…
    I’m currently preparing another song track using EZ drummer 2 and new guitar sound (really heavy tone)…stay tuned 😉


    good to see that you guys like this song !
    Well, on that song I was using :
    – EZ drummer 1 with the drumkitfromhell. To me that’s important to use the multichannel on your DAW so you can treat each part of the drum with different plugins effects. All plugins effect were taken from the lovely EZMix 2 bundle (containing Metal guitar gods 1, Dirt, EZMix 1, EZMix 2, Mastering, Metal, Metal essentials packs).
    I just bought the EZ drummer 2 and will use it on my next vid 😉
    – Guitars were recorded in DI. This enables a post treatment of your guitar signal. You can choose and setup quietly your guitar tone after recording.
    – Quad tracked guitars L100/L80 + R100/R80 panned. You lose little bit accuracy but increase the loudness and helps to get a massive sound.
    – Bass was also recorded in DI. I just copied and pasted the track of the bass line. One track with a clean sound (compression and EQ), the other track with a dirty sound and EQ.

    Concerning the Bass, you are probably right, but I like the loud bass lines 🙂

    Cheers dude !


    Thanks dude m/ ( _ _ ) m/
    subscribe to my youtube channel for upcoming new vids


    Hi, thank you !
    That’s the EZMix 2 bundle with Metal Guitar gods 1 pack. Guitars were quad tracked L100/L80 & R100/R80 with the Fredrik Thordendal’s presets…

    C ya m/

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