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What is Hanuman Bahuk ? Shri Tulsidas composed Hanuman Bahuk when he was experiencing insufferable arm torment and couldn't discover help by any drugs or mantra. What's more, because of the finesse of Lord Hanumanji the horrible agony gone. Hanuman Bahuk contains 44 sections. It is accept that constant reciting of Hanuman Bahuk for 40 days helps in relieving different mental and physical sicknesses and expel deterrents from our life.

What to do before Chanting? Start reciting from any Tuesday toward the beginning of the day. Keep Lord Rama's picture Keep Hanumanji Picture or icon in which he is giving invocation.
What to do before reciting? Light up the Ghee's Deepak or Lamp, Start loving Lord Rama, Offer water in Copper urn and Offer Basil leave to Lord Hanuman.
What to do in the wake of reciting? Subsequent to reciting drink that water or offer it to the patient for whom you are doing this Pooja and bite the Basil leave. Be noble toward your eating routine and conduct, no liquor, no smoking and no pointlessly talks at any rate for 40 days. Evade Bad propensities.
Mansik Pooja What to do if in the event that you miss quickly or face any issue to play out the Puja ,at that point no compelling reason to stress you can do it rationally which is called 'Mansik Puja'.
Advantages of Chanting Hanuman Bahuk You can get benefits of hanuman bahuk in any phase of your life. It helps for restoring infections, excruciating agony, Help in relieving concealed illness. Help in Psychological malady. Calms from Black Magic, Evil Spirits ,hostile stares and so on.. Lightens Snake Poison, Scorpion Poison and so forth... Gets back Lost Property or Stolen merchandise Remove dread of foes and give vitality to battle against them and becomes triumph Remove neediness and give business.


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