Derek Haymore
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So… I just got the Death Metal EZX & so far I’m loving it! Here’s a quick little test demo I did this morning. I’m using the Mark Lewis Metallic Black Kit. Guitars are just DI using Ignite Emissary & NadIR. What do you guys think? I think the Death Metal EZX is the best sounding EZX so far. Bravo Toontrack!
- This topic was modified 5 years, 2 months ago by
Derek Haymore.
- This topic was modified 5 years, 2 months ago by
Derek Haymore.
- This topic was modified 5 years, 2 months ago by
Derek Haymore.
- This topic was modified 5 years, 2 months ago by
Derek Haymore.
- This topic was modified 5 years, 2 months ago by
Derek Haymore.
Track is excellent. As far as the drums go, it’s more of how well the library sits in your song than anything else. I would agree that the both the EZX and preset used go well with your song. On critique I have is that I don’t know if you did any bass guitar because I didn’t really pick any up on any of my speakers. That’s all I would want to hear just a bit more to complement the guitars.
Thanks for the compliment! I don’t have a bass guitar yet, but I’ve been planning on buying one. I programmed a MIDI bass on the track but it sounded so robotic I just turned it down & used it for sound reinforcement.
@John said:
I suspect that this is (although slightly dated) what you want to watch:
Nah, I already know how to do all that. I guess I’ll just have to get in touch with Ola. Thanks anyway John.
Ok. I have successfully routed Multi-out with the Fredrik Thordendal “Bleed” Preset & the MIDI Recording Sessions “Gene Hoglan” Preset. They were routed & bussed so it was easy. I’m guessing some Presets are meant to be on one track? Or is there another trick?
If you watch this video: you’ll see what I mean. He opens Superior in Multi-out & then clicks a + button & an AUX track for each Drum Channel pops up & then he routes everything to a single Bus. The only problem is he’s using Logic & I’m using SONAR Platinum & I can’t figure out how to do it.
Any ideas?
The music is cool but it sounds like you need a Limiter or some Mastering software to boost the volume up & get the track slamming! Try out Toontrack’s EZMix 2 & the Mastering I & II EMX bundles. Thanks for posting the track! Good luck with your recording! 🙂
@John said:
it would be easier to give exact help if I knew exactly which Library and Preset we are talking about but if I just grab any example of a Producer Preset:
Bulb Pack – Big and OpenHe has routed the mic faders to group busses, i.e. the Kick microphones to the first bus, which is renamed ‘KICK’; the Snare microphones to the next bus, which is renamed ‘SNARE’, etc.
He also has set up a Send to a parallell comp bus with a compressor on it, named ‘COMP’.
If I scroll to the right in the mixer, I can see all these Bus Faders and their outputs set to ‘Out 1/2’.
If I now want them on separate outs in my DAW or hardware mixer, this is where I assign them; the ‘KICK’ bus to Out 1/2, the ‘SNARE’ bus to Out 3/4, etc.I hope this clarifies.
Thanks for the reply! I was referring to the Ola Englund Preset for The Metal Foundry SDX. Sadly, I’ve already tried your method & it didn’t work for me.
Example: In the Ola Englund preset I have, the snare top/bottom/trash are routed to Outs 1/2. When I manually route them to Outs 3/4 nothing happens. All the tracks stay on the same channel… Any ideas?
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