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Great deals on software, sounds
and MIDI!

Great deals on software, sounds and MIDI!*


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  • Shannon

    I hate to beat a dead horse but this is something I would expect from Avid NOT TT!

    I started with EZD years and upgraded to SD2 so I basically paid full retail for SD2 NOW I get no credit for purchasing your flag ship product? I am very disappointed!

    I upgraded ProTools last in 2015 or something. I have 12.6… I am done. I use Samplitude Pro X and Cubase Pro 10. I keep them up to date. Why? Because they have always took care of me as a customer.

    Today, I needed some orchestral percussion. I was prepared to upgrade and buy the OP set. You lost a sell. I will go elsewhere. It’s the principle of it.

    You really should repent. You screwed your best customers and for what?


    Thanked by: rusty rusty, Pete_34 and ilter
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