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  • shadowself

    So, I shelled out more money for EZD3, mostly to get the scalable interface that should have been present in EZD2 years ago. Then I find out that this version with its shiny new scalable interface cannot be used in Reason because Propellerheads is also dragging its heels, but in their case it is with VST3 support. And not only will Toontrack refuse refunds, they will charge me to sell it to someone. I just can’t win.

    • This post was modified 2 years, 9 months ago by shadowself.

    None of these solutions will work when using EZDrummer as a VST, which I imagine is where 99% of people use it. How long has this software been out without a scalable interface? Even Reason now supports high DPI screens. I am new to Toontrack software and was gobsmacked to discover I cannot use it as a VST on a 4K screen without a magnifying glass. In 2021. Come on, guys. This is certainly the last Toontrack product I will buy until the interface is brought up to date.

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