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Great deals on software, sounds
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Great deals on software, sounds and MIDI!*


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  • sevenhook

    Ezkey is completely different than Superior; if you auditon drum loops the key doesnt’ apply. To audition piano loops the chords have to follow
    the song you’ve written. I see this being used more has a secondary instrument. I’m a guitar playing so I write using a guitar, not a piano so
    the melodies and key is determined on the guitar first. Then I’d like to audition piano loops to fit around the guitar parts/vocals. Cheers.



    It’s a big issue when you drag new patterns and have to reassign the chords every time. To get the right loop to fit the song you are writing this is a must.
    Without being able to lock in the chords it will take hours to find the right loop.

    Without this feature unfortuately I am not interested in this product. I think ezkeys is extremely innovative and is something I want if a few tweaks were made.
    I’d buy every rock/pop loop pack, ezorgans, ezstrings, etc. expansions that I hope will be available in the future.

    PS. I love Superior Drummer and use it everyday.



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