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  • seanwhitley2000

    Here is a close up of the foil switch


    is the whole cymbal made from play dough? or is the real cymbal still attached?


    Has anyone else tried these yet? I need some better mesh head material because the insect screen stuff I have stretches to easily and when used for a bass drum it gets distorted too much after about 20mins


    From owning a millenium mps-100 and playing an alesis one I think theyre pretty much the same pads. I think the pads are made from plastic skins which can be changed for remos or converted to mesh. The original pads are not very bouncy. My millenium kit is surprisingly good considering it was £214. Pads are quite sensitive but the bass drum is crap if you want to use double bass pedals. If you want to use double pedals I to the bass drum and it works fine now. The millenium cymbals are crap but I dont know about these particular alesis ones. I’d say if the kit is cheap enough, it should be worth getting


    Also this is when the painted drum is used as a (much much better) bass drum to my DIY drums photo gallery. Ill keep it updated as i build!


    This is my DIY drums so far. At the moment their balenced on my dd502/millenium pads because i cant work out how to make a pvc rack! You may also notice the DIY Knex music stand in the background and also a Knex drum stick holder

    Ill keep posting as it gets built!

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