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  • Scott Eshleman

    @SLAVKO_2 said:
    SD doesn’t have this tool or does it?

    SuperiorDrummer2.0 does NOT have the songwriting or MIDI editing functionality found in EZDrummer2.

    @SLAVKO_2 said:
    could I import somehow 20GB of loops into EZ DRUMMER 2 and search there,
    wherever hit interesting phrase via TAP TEMPO option?
    Will the program show me also matched phrases of the new SD’s library??

    While you CAN use EZDrummer EZX expansion sound libraries in SuperiorDrummer2,
    you can NOT ‘import’ or otherwise use SuperiorDrummer2 sound libraries in EZDrummer1 or EZDrummer2.

    You seem to be confusing the 20GB of drum samples with the MIDI grooves provided with SuperiorDrummer and its SDX expansions.
    They are two (2) entirely different components of the Toontrack virtual instrument line.
    MIDI grooves (loops) are very very small data files that instruct a virtual instrument which kit piece to play,
    when to play it as well as how hard and how loud. These grooves/loops usually amount to files as only 5-10MB.
    The 20GB of drum samples are the sound files that are played by the software reading those MIDI instructions.

    That said, EZDrummer and SuperiorDrummer2 can use/share the same MIDI grooves.

    Scott Eshleman

    I’d suggest changing your screen resolution, at least while using EZDrummer2.
    I use Mac’s and have no experience with Windows 10
    but I believe that you can set up “Display Profiles” to ease switching screen resolutions back-and-forth for specific software.
    Or perhaps that may have been 3rd-party software that enabled that function.

    Scott Eshleman

    @hnoor0044 said:
    I was asking about was: A drumkit from hell came in my box.

    Software publishers & manufacturers often package additional installation files together with base products as marketing for their upgrades
    and to enable customers to upgrade more easily, (if purchased)…especially back in the days before high-speed internet.
    But, to be clear, installation files are not licenses to use the upgrades or expansions.
    Unless sold as a bundle, the expansions would still need to be purchased and registered separately.

    Scott Eshleman

    @Graze said:
    When installing EZ Drummer, where is Toontrack Solo for Mac 10.11, it says it is only for 10.3 – 10.9 ?
    many thanks, Graze

    EZDrummer2 doesn’t require Solo to run in ‘standalone mode’,
    are you referring to EZDrummer1?

    PS. Crossgrade or not, your installation of SuperiorDrummer is in NO way reliant upon installing EZDrummer first.
    To clarify, having EZDrummer registered/licensed in your Toontrack account enabled you to authorize the SD Crossgrade
    but you DO NOT have to install EZDrummer before installing your SuperiorDrummer Crossgrade.

    Scott Eshleman

    @gseshleman said:

    EZDrummer2 Modern/Vintage grooves has lots of “Cymbal Stuff” under the Extras category, including swells.

    Beyond the swell grooves, some kits include cymbals that have “crescendo” articulations.

    Scott Eshleman

    EZDrummer2 Modern/Vintage grooves has lots of “Cymbal Stuff” under the Extras category, including swells.

    Scott Eshleman

    I would download ALL installation disc images and updates from your Toontrack account,
    installing EZDrummer2 first, then its updates, followed by your EZX expansions and their updates.

    All EZX expansions run in EZDrummer2, once updated from your account.

    Not sure why you’d have trouble with EZD2 in GarageBand or Logic.
    Can you open EZD2 in standalone mode (from the Toontrack folder within “Applications”)?

    Scott Eshleman

    @stlundem said:
    Would it be possible to make a visual assistant. That you could watch when you record? I think it would help a lot of musicians timing issues..
    Thanks for your attention.. Cool

    Visual” in what way? a blinking light?
    corresponding to what? the beat?
    doesn’t your DAW do that?

    Scott Eshleman

    I don’t think there is any MIDI Program Change Code available.
    So far as to affecting this change while keeping resources to a minimum,
    I’d “print” (commit) one or both of the MIDI track(s) to Audio once you are satisfied with the groove(s).

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