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Great deals on software, sounds and MIDI!*


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  • Scott Eshleman

    @MickE said:

    Tech support said its most likely my screen resolution & suggested i lower it. I haven’t got my laptop with me at the moment but i think its highly unlikely to be the cause. Lowering the screen resolution will then negatively affect how Studio One 3 is displayed. How can i be the only one that has experienced this problem..? Studio One 3 is optimized for high res display….so am i to believe that if i use Studio One 3 on a high res screen, then to use Ezdrummer i would have to lower the resolution..? Very odd indeed..!

    for starters:

    Scott Eshleman

    @MickE said:


    Here’s the pic

    I tried to enlarge your screenshot.
    Isn’t that the “Follow Host” button enabled (yellow) to the left of the Song Creator button?

    Scott Eshleman

    @jahn3official said:
    is there a way to get the full keymap for Made of Metal somewhere? Thanks in advance.

    The MIDI Layout (and kit description with sessions notes) for EVERY installed expansion library
    is available from the MENU dropdown shown in this screenshot:


    Scott Eshleman

    Can you please provide an example of another hardware, software or plugin company that provides such an app?
    I don’t want to overlook a resource like that if it’s available to me.
    I’m especially interested in:
    Avid (Pro Tools), Logic Pro X, Cubase (8.5), Harrison Mixbus, Waves plugins, iZotope plugins,
    Steven Slate Digital Media and, for that matter, Apple’s OS X operating system and Macbook Pro hardware.
    As far as I know, none of these companies offer a training app of their own creation…but maybe you’ve encountered one.
    However, I do know that MacProVideo, Groove3,, and CreativeLive among others have created training courses & videos.
    Most offer a subscription service allowing students access to their entire catalog for the duration of the subscription.
    I’ve used these and highly recommend them.
    Also, there is a near endless list of books covering many of the major interests.
    I’ve used these as well and highly recommend them, too.

    Scott Eshleman

    I thought that ‘auto-quantize’ was only a Tap2Find thing.
    I don’t think that it is active in the Song Track by default at all.
    I believe that you have to quantize a MIDI block in the Song Track after it’s been recorded.

    Scott Eshleman

    @fidz said:
    …Metal Machine Presets requires Metal Machine EZX which requires EZDrummer.

    EZX expansions like the Metal Machine EZX will run in SuperiorDrummer2 without owning or installing EZDrummer.

    @fidz said:
    How does this relate to SD2.0? Do i have to buy Metal Machine Presets, Metal Machine EZX, and EZDrummer so that I can use Metal Machine Presets in SD2.0?

    You do not need to buy EZDrummer to use the Metal Machine Presets on the Metal Machine EZX in SD2.0.
    and to be clear, the Metal Machine Presets only work with the Metal Machine EZX.
    They cannot be used with the Metal Foundry or any other EZX or SDX.

    Scott Eshleman

    could this be part of the graphics issue introduced by Apple in Yosemite & continued (unresolved) in El Capitan?

    people testing the new Mac OS (“Sierra”?) have suggested that it may be addressed in the new release this fall.
    This graphics issue is not isolated to Toontrack or even solely to plugins.
    Please Google it or check the Apple Support and forum.

    Scott Eshleman

    Don’t forget the “Randomize” function accessed by right-clicking a chord block in the EZD2 Song Track
    and then applying MIDI from the Browser.

    Scott Eshleman

    @Barksy said:

    i don;t have any of the above issues, but why is it that TT do not talk about future ideas/releases.

    Get your customers excited! Let customers decide whether they need to go to a competitor to get something they are looking for, or perhaps wait and see what one of their favourite providers (TT) end up delivering for something they have had in the pipeline for some time.

    I don’t get the benefit of secrecy to your customers, let alone your loyal ones?

    There are a number of factors by which any company will choose to release product information
    …and many more for a software publishing company in a highly competitive industry segment.
    There may also be investor-based reasons for the timing of such announcements.
    Suggesting or Hyping future products with no specific release date (vaporware) is probably scrutinized by investment governing bodies.

    If you need an example of a company who announced a product update, missed its date (and still hasn’t released the update),
    please take a trip over to the Metric Halo forums and search for ‘3d card’….
    See how their customers have turned on them; regardless of how great the ULN-8 & LIO-8 products are without the 3d card.

    Scott Eshleman

    @JFISCHER78 said:

    I’m trying to authorize a laptop to my acct. I currently only have my home computer active on my acct. How do I add the 2nd computer so I can out EZD2 on it also?

    I find it easiest to log into My Toontrack account on my laptop, download and install those products that I wish to use there.
    After installation, I will run the EZD2 standalone app and allow the prompts to lead me through the Authorization process.

    Scott Eshleman

    @jason_442 said:
    …you’re an admin its your job.

    Why presume that he is getting paid to be an ‘Admin’ on the forum?
    That may or may not be true. I don’t know. Don’t care, either.
    Respect for his patience, ability, and willingness to help.

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