Scott Eshleman
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I don’t know the backstory or chronological history of SuperiorDrummer1 versus EZDrummer1.
For all that I know, SuperiorDrummer(1) was developed and released before EZDrummer(1) was ever conceptualized.
For all that you or I know, “Superior” might be a reference to its superiority to competitive products. …and still might.
@Taffypro said:
Just out of curiosity when was the last time Superior Drummer was updated?
SD2 was updated 06-2016.
@Taffypro said:
@Juicy…. Perhaps the words “deceived” and “superior” are not being translated properly….. Does “misled” work? Sorry but the sales guy sold it as the “big brother to EZ Drummer 2” and with a name like “Superior” I was hoping it had all the features and a lot more…No question it sounds better, but I need to have a way to find the grooves I am looking for in a comprehensive way…..
From this Toontrack fan and owner/user of EZDrummer1, EZDrummer2 and SuperiorDrummer2:
Blame the sales guy for not explaining the products better or for not determining all of your needs.
Blame yourself for not doing your own research and/or asking the right questions.
Tap2Find and other EZD2 functions are new features that required a rewrite of the EZDrummer1 product.
I have to assume that adding them to SuperiorDrummer is no small task (if that is Toontrack’s plan) given the additional complexity of the SD2 base product.
I use EZD2 for its MIDI songwriting functions including Tap2Find and Edit Play Style.
I also like its lightweight resource usage allowing multiple instances within a single DAW composing session.
I use SuperDrummer2 for its advanced virtual drum sample mixing capabilities.
Two tools for two very different tasks.
@bflatman said:
wondering if I use EZ drummer for building a drum track then drop in the SD.2 midi track for more detailed eq, panning, etc? might be a way to handle it.Loving the expanded utilities in SD2!!!!!!!! big time loving it !
many use that exact process.
purpose-built tools used to a unified end result.
no. not currently.
i’m guessing that some of the X-drum functionality of SuperiorDrummer2 do not lend (readily) themselves to the graphic stylings of EZD2
(or not without REALLY cluttering up the aesthetics of those graphics).
Alternately, you can find the MIDI within the Contents folder of the downloaded installation files by opening the disk image (.dmg)
The layout of those contents are such that the EZD2 database uses to organize & index the MIDI by way of headers & tags.
hmmmm…interesting predicament
The Toontrack drum MIDI is formatted for and intended to be used with EZDrummer and SuperiorDrummer.
I’m not saying that it won’t work with other virtual instruments or samplers as it has a foundation in GM.
You don’t give any specifics about your platform or operating system.
I can only speak for a Mac implementation where EZDrummer or SuperiorDrummer has already been installed:
That location (on a Mac) is:
/Library/Application Support/EZDrummer/MIDI
I can’t speak to a Windows installation or any installation where EZDrummer or SuperiorDrummer hasn’t been installed first.
@alexis said:
What is the best way to search for cymbal rolls in EZD2 please?
choose <Cymbal Swells> under ‘Play Style’ on the [Search] tab
this FAQ may help explain the triggering of the EZD2 percussion:
@Trav_1 said:
Do I need to buy Ez mix2 then to be able to play drum less tracks?
EZMix2 is an FX processor. It does not play MIDI files.
@Trav_1 said:
What programs do I need to play midi files exported from guitar tux to superior drummer to play along with?
SuperiorDrummer2.0 is intended to play drum MIDI grooves using Toontrack-created drum & percussion sample libraries.
That said, why not just play the guitar MIDI right in TuxGuitar?
@Trav_1 said:
Hi, I’m new to this program and I’m wanting to play along to songs that are drum less tracks. Can I download those guitar midi on this site to be able to jam with drum less songs? Any suggestions would be great. Thank you
I’m confused…please clarify.
download what guitar MIDI? from what site?
how do you intend to ‘play along’?
@Scott said:
The EZdrummer 1 to EZdrummer 2 upgrade has been discontinued since December 31, 2015. You would need to purchase a full EZD2 license. Upgrades were made available from April 2014 until December 31, 2015 when the upgrade was discontinued.
You might be able to find a retailer with a valid EZdrummer 1 to EZdrummer 2 upgrade still in stock.
I’ve heard that they still exist though I have no specifics.
possibly answered in the other thread you’ve started>>>
@jean-paul_1 said:
I am on a MacBook Pro core 17, with Logix pro X.
I cannot find any folder or program in my applications folder , document folder, music folder, and so on…
Even through Logic pro, I can find demo version of EZdrummer for instance (and before ESKEY’s demo), but not EZKEY’S full version.
A common issue that Logic users have is finding 3rd-party plugins & virtual instruments.
In Logic Pro X, you WILL NOT find EZKeys in the Logic virtual instrument “Library”.
EZKeys, EZDrummer2, and SuperiorDrummer2 can be found under the “AU Instruments” menu (see attached screenshot)
on a Software Instrument track’s Inspector.
@jean-paul_1 said:
I am on a MacBook Pro core 17, with Logix pro X.
I cannot find any folder or program in my applications folder , document folder, music folder, and so on…
Even through Logic pro, I can find demo version of EZdrummer for instance (and before ESKEY’s demo), but not EZKEY’S full version.
On a Mac, standalone versions of Toontrack products install to the [Applications] folder, grouped under a [Toontrack] folder.
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