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  • Scott Eshleman

    @sfran162 said:
    I’m sick of the fighting the lag on my PC knowing my iPad or even iPhone would do such a better job when using this for live triggers.  

    IF such a product is on Toontrack’s product roadmap (and I have no way of knowing if it is),
    why do you think that your iPad or iPhone “would do such a better job when using this for live triggers“?
    What are the specs of your PC (OS, processor, RAM, diskspace)?!??

    …and to what result or outcome would you hope to achieve with an EZDrummer app on your iPad/iPhone?

    Scott Eshleman

    Lucky everything is available via the Toontrack Product Manager;
    all of the software & expansion downloads registered to your Toontrack account,
    authorized to your devices.

    Panic no more.

    Scott Eshleman

    have you enabled the “Show Web Shop MIDI” and the Endings filter on the Search tab of EZDrummer2 ?
    This new (and awesome!!) feature in EZDrummer2 allows you to explore and demo all of the drum MIDI that Toontrack has to offer,
    even that which you have not purchased.

    Scott Eshleman

    here’s that screenshot


    Scott Eshleman

    1st) presuming that you are attempting to insert EZDrummer2 on an Instrument Track.
    2nd) EZDrummer2 will NOT be found among the Logic Virtual Instrument Library.

    I’m not in front of my Mac at the moment or I’d provide a screenshot. Sorry

    Scott Eshleman

    @Blec said:
    In Europe there is many places with no (or bad) web connection but we don’t exist for American people.

    Toontrack is a Swedish company.

    @Blec said:
    (Omnisphere for example is available on usb drive)

    …and Omnisphere is 64GB.

    As John suggests above,
    Amazon still has stores with many Toontrack titles available as ‘boxed’ physical media, including EZDrummer expansions.

    With kind regards.

    Scott Eshleman

    what do you hope to achieve that you can’t get with the Pan Control already in the Mixer?

    Scott Eshleman

    @Icelander_1 said:
    The caveat of this, however, is that my initial idea of buying the Hip-Hop ezx (and the Percs earlier today!) in order to mix’n-match some percs to form a fuller jazz kit will not work as I had hoped after all, which is more than a little disappointing (especially to my wallet).  

    not sure what or why you can’t mix’n match kit pieces from the various kits to your satisfaction,
    either in a single kit or in two-or-more kits on multiple tracks in a DAW

    what is it that you are trying to do but can’t?

    Scott Eshleman

    @Icelander_1 said:
    Or, to put it a more precise way: What does Toontrack Solo do that my EZ Drummer application isn’t already doing?  

    if you’re referring to EZDrummer2….it adds nothing that I can think of.
    Toontrack Solo allows the use of SuperiorDrummer2 (and EZDrummer1) as a ‘standalone’ program without a DAW host.

    Scott Eshleman

    @Icelander_1 said:
    And that Properties lists only “center” (D1) and “rim shot” (E1) for the snare. No mention of sweep or swirls, so the mystery remains unanswered here – And I REALLY NEED to know this too, btw!EZ-Brush-snare.png  

    those don’t look like the articulations for any of the snares in the JAZZ EZX.

    Scott Eshleman

    clicking [STOP] while already stopped should return the playhead to zero.

    from page 21 of the Operation Manual, (pay particular attention to the 2nd-to-last sentence):

    To set from where in the song playback or recording will commence, click in the grid area
    below the Time Line. The playhead will move to the position where you click.
    You can also drag the handle of the playhead.

    When you stop playback/recording, the song position will automatically move back to where
    the playback/recording was started. Clicking [STOP] a second time sets the position to the
    beginning of the track (or to the beginning of the loop area, if active). If you click Play while
    playing back, the song position pointer will pause exactly where it is.”

    Scott Eshleman

    @Vicious Breed Music said:
    How about totally bypassing the ezdrummers library and recording your own midi patterns. Besides being stuck with the proverbial 4/4 which becomes mundane, the drum patterns arent always there when searching for them. Im sure theres a way to do this and I will explore this option until its obtained. Its either this or go with superior drummer.  

    I think that you’ll find what you’re looking for on pages 18 & 19 of the EZD2 Operation Manual.

    Scott Eshleman

    You can record the MIDI from Pro Tools into the EZDrummer2 timeline.
    I don’t have access to the EZD2 Operations Manual at the moment
    or I’d provide you with page numbers describing the process.

    Scott Eshleman

    @Erik S said:
    My have dual zone triggers on my snare and will make rimshot from my snare-rim trigger.

    it might be of help to know what brand/model snare trigger you are using

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