Scott Eshleman
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@olliepudge said:
Oh, so you can’t use the two programs in standalone together correct? Meaning no DAW being used at all. Thanks!
I’ve never tried and know of no easy way to route EZD2 output into EZMix2 without additional software.
@olliepudge said:
Hi. I was told there is no standalone version of EZ Mix 2. Is this not the case and if so can it be used with EZ Drummer 2? Thanks!
1) You’ve been misinformed. There is a standalone version of EZMix2.
2) You can use EZMix2 as an Insert after EZDrummer2, inside a DAW, (like Pro Tools or Logic Pro).
No. If it contained the same MIDI grooves as is included with the EZX expansion library,
it would state it on the product description page as it does with the following:
MetalHeads MIDI pack, Roots MIDI pack, Indie Folk MIDI pack, & Metal Foundry MIDI pack.
@the aftermath said:
1. Is it true, I can take patterns from ez drummer 2,
upload it into pro tools 12,
edit it as a midi and add/delete any/all and move drums for a custom pattern using the piano roll?
Yes, absolutely.
The audio demonstrates how the MIDI groove will sound when played by the aforementioned EZX expansion sound library.
Any MIDI expansion packs that were also included in an EZX expansion sound library are clearly marked as such to avoid duplication.
edit: John beat me to the punch.
Just guessing, but it appears that you are using the original, out-dated, obsolete installers.
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@upislouder said:
I guess they could not figure out how to do it.
What a shame- I will just have to keep using EZdrummer 1.
I’m afraid that you’ve been misinformed or are basing this post upon outdated information
as shown in the attached screenshot of the EZD2 Tempo options.
The screenshot also shows how when dragged to the Song Track (or DAW),
the selected Tempo option is applied to the groove.
Notice how Tempo options have shortened or lengthened the original 8-bar groove into 4 bars (2X Tempo) and 16 bars (1/2 Tempo)
in the Song Track.
Also attached is a screenshot from page 14 of the EZD2 Operation Manual,
describing the functions of the Tempo options. Enjoy.
are you trying to instantiate it on an Instrument Track?
are you looking under “Audio Units” of the Instrument Track’s “I/O” – and not as an Effect Insert?
can you provide a screenshot?
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PS. You don’t mention for which product you are inquiring…
There may be different, product-dependent procedures for moving the default MIDI file location.
@John said:
this is simply not true. Tell your friend to read up on how to use X-drums in Superior 2.
It doesn’t work the same as in EZdrummer 2 but gives you far more flexibility over the drums,
bleeds and microphones.
Understandably, no one at Toontrack can comment, and none of us here on the forum can accurately speculate
what may or may not be in the works in Product Development. There’s not a company that I know of, not Apple, not Microsoft,
not Ford, Fiat or Toyota that will comment on new products or updates to products until their Marketing Department sets the wheels in motion.
And don’t forget that Toontrack has been releasing new other products on a fairly regular schedule, too.
Perhaps the additional features we all love and enjoy in SuperiorDrummer2 DO require a comprehensive rewrite
(as Scott has suggested) to include the songwriting functions, Tap2Find, and MIDI Search that we are enjoying in EZDrummer2.
Perhaps such recoding and/or product redesign to include ALL OF THE ABOVE FEATURES (maybe more) takes a lot more time & testing than any of us can imagine.
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