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  • Antonio

    Superior Drummer is currently on sale, 25% discount if not wrong, both full and crossgrade. Tempted, but as an owner of SD2 who missed the SD3 upgrade train, I’ll pass. Sadly, because it is really a great product. But no thanks.

    • This post was modified 11 months, 3 weeks ago by Antonio.

    I also have EZD2 and SP2, so I could also cross-grade, but I decided to not invest my money in this company the same moment I realized that they decided that SP2 owners have an expiration date. If this happens for a “premium” product like SD2, it will happen for all other products too.

    Among other products, SD3 and EZBass are definitely two products that I would have bought long ago (not mentioning the respective expansions) — top quality software, but low quality customer care.


    Thanked by: A former customer., Truid and Bartholomew Boge

    I bought a TD-30, and I converted a Pearl Rhythm Traveler kit (bought used on eBay) to electronic using standard cheap triggers (currently 2 zones DDrum AT-40D).

    Initially I did the same with the (cheap) acoustic cymbals I already have – bought some piezo sensors, and transformed to electronic. But never liked much, so in the end I bought some used Roland cymbals on eBay – better feeling and responsiveness.

    Overall I am very happy. The only thing that I want to improve is the snare, maybe it’s the size (a 14″), but I don’t feel it triggers consistently, so I am thinking about buying an internal trigger, or an acoustic-electronic snare like the Jobeky.

    Before this I had a Yamaha DTX-562. Overall a decent kit and module, but:

    • after switching to my current setup, I wouldn’t ever go back. I find Roland much more playable.
    • Yamaha modules work with proprietary pads only. You cannot turn an acoustic snare or tom to electronic using triggers, or use pads from other brands.

    As MacOS evolves, SD2 will certainly be orphaned eventually.

    Sadly, it looks like the same will certainly happen to their owners…


    P.S. I wish there were a Fxpansion BFD3 crossgrade option — I’m seriously considering the switch anyway.

    From time to time they have promos, like during last christmas, BFD3 was 40% off. I buy most of my plugins at (they have unbeatable prices), if you subscribe to their newsletter you will know when it’s time to buy.


    Thanked by: robegian

    madfiddler wrote: If it’s any help, FXPansion have 40% off BFD3 atm, taking it to £167 (UK) – and they have a very clear upgrade path for all customers. I don’t understand, could you be so kind to explain me that, please? I just need to upgrade Superior Drummer v.2, to v.3

    That upgrade is a dead end. It’s months owners are complaining here and in similar threads, but no one from Toontrack has ever replied, or at least been so kind to explain why. The only way to upgrade is to buy it at full price, or if you have EZDrummer, cross grade from it. I have EZDrummer too, but I decided to stop buying Toontrack products altogether, so I will never go that path.

    @madfiddler is just suggesting to look at the competition. BFD3 is sonically great in my opinion, I have it. And they honor upgrades from version x to version x + 1. It’s a great alternative to SD3.


    Thanked by: Bartholomew Boge

    No man, it’s not you who was too slow. Customers don’t expire. In my case, what they have achieved is that I have stopped buying Toontrack products completely. There are some good deals these days, I can’t say I am not tempted, because everything Toontrack makes is great in my opinion. But, as an expired customer, I made my decision.

    There are several other good products out there, like Steven Slate Drums, BFD3 and Superior Drummer. If I need more, I’ll invest my money on them.

    • This post was modified 5 years, 3 months ago by Antonio.


    Thanked by: Bartholomew Boge

    I’m afraid that’s proof that they don’t care. I just don’t understand why. Upgraders won’t buy the full product, again, Toontrack won’t replace those customers. Who’s the winner here? I don’t see any, both sides lose.


    I could have bought a lot of the expansions that are in promo, there are and were a lot of appealing deals… but since I decided to not buy from Toontrack any more, I am spending my money elsewhere.

    It’s funny that other competitors offer regular upgrades for their products 4 or more generations old, like Native Instruments is doing now on Komplete, with an additional 50% “summer” discount – it’s not a direct competitor of Toontrack, but they can teach a lot in terms of customer care.


    I was ready to upgrade too. I find this a questionable policy, but also irritating, considering that the crossgrade from EZDrummer is still available.

    I could understand (but still disagree) for upgrades from versions two or more generations old, but not from the last one. This means that they don’t give credit to past users who, as mentioned by others, contributed to the development of the newest version with their purchases.

    If they do this for their flagship product, I can expect the same to happen for all other product lines. I have almost everything (EZDrummer, Superior Drummer, EZKeys, EZMix, and a lot of expansions), but now I am going to sell everything except what I absolutely need, andI’ll stop buying from Toontrack.

    Toontrack products are great, Superior Drummer has no rivals, but I won’t give my money to a company that shows no respect for their own paying customers.

    I wonder how many customers, like me, are going away…


    Thanked by: Brian Clifford and David De Garie-Lamanque
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