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Great deals on software, sounds
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Great deals on software, sounds and MIDI!*


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  • ryan

    I too love your stuff I own EzPlayer Pro and I use to use Live with Reason. Before Live I quit protools and tried Digital Performer and Logic. I have been unhappy with sequencers since Studio Vision Pro was killed by gibson in the late 90s. Now Record is perfect and finally (10 yrs later) has studio vision pro features (blocks). Switching fully to Record as a main sequencer killed my ability to use ezplayer pro. I refuse to piggyback it off another sequencer. I would really love if there were a way to use it with Record. Lets say ezplayer pro was stand alone and could start/stop record, send its midi into certain tracks and had 1 stereo return track. I’d buy that upgrade or even if it had some way to send its midi into record in sync without another sequencer involved.
    I do not agree that record should have 3rd party plugins that aren’t written into the app and can be removed. I think that’s why other sequencers seem so unstable and have such HUGE processor/ram fluctuations. Record/Reason kills them all with quality/cpu/ram (except maybe the reverb). The only thing I wish it had was a midi loop “try out” device and your drum sounds.

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