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Great deals on software, sounds
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Great deals on software, sounds and MIDI!*


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  • rrosin

    @David Bade said:
    It would be MUCH more useful for folks playing/programming with a keyboard to have an second option to globally turn on/off all Aftertouch on cymbals for the Mute Tail Trigger.

    If you are using Windows you can use MIDI-OX ( to filter aftertouch events.

    Regards Reiner


    I recommend to investigate this issue isolated on the MIDI side and the audio side:

    [1] Use an MP3 player or similar device as audio source, route it to your sound card, then into FL Studio and back out to the sound card. Compare one channel directly from the audio device with one channel from your sound card. If you have the option to record this with a second PC, you can measure the latency with Audacity or other programs.
    If you cannot get an acceptable latency with this setup, you might want to change the sound card. One low budget solution working well with ASIO4ALL is “Behringer U-Control UCA202 USB Audio Interface” (~30 bucks from Amazon).

    [2] To find out if your KAT device is causing additional latency on the MIDI side, you can replace it with a different MIDI device. Any cheap device will do, a pad controller or a MIDI keyboard.

    Regards Reiner


    @Kingwozza said:
    Standalone works fine but Cubase isn’t showing the plugin.
    Any ideas?  

    Superior Drummer and EZDrummer place their plugin in a subfolder “toontrack”, which isn’t scanned from Cubase as default. You must add this folder manually to Cubase and rescan the VSTs for find it.

    Regards Reiner


    What you describe looks like the communication is lost somewhere on the MIDI connection between your module and EZDrummer 2. To encircle the problem you might do like this:

    [1] Superior Drummer 3 has an integrated MIDI monitor – odes EZDrummer 2 have one too? If so, open it. If not, install something like MIDI-OX ( See whether you still receive MIDI events when your sound output stops or not.

    [2] If you don’t see any MIDI events after your sound expires, you should do some investigations on your USB connection. Many cheaper modules have issues with USB, try the following steps:
    – change to a different USB port. If you use an USB 3 port now, change to an USB 2 port and vice versa
    – try a different USB cable
    – use an USB hub. A simple, non powered device will do
    – cheap modules many times act as a generic MIDI controller and work with the build-in drivers of Windows. Maybe Alesis has a specific driver which you can use
    – there is a firmware update for the DM6 available (v06). Do you have this installed already?

    Regards Reiner


    @joselovito_1 said:
    Hi, I’m using EZdrummer as a drumkit when playing on my alesis dm10 module because I highly prefer EZdrummer’s sounds, the thing is that ASIO doesn’t allow for another sound to play, so i can’t play a backing track in the background.
    Any suggestions?  

    I use Cubase for this purpose. I just add audio tracks to a project (one drumless track, one click track, sometimes the original drum only track as well) and Superior Drummer 3 as an own track (of course works with EZDrummer as well). In the mixer section of Cubase the volume of the different tracks can be adjusted individually.

    This setup works well also for recording own drums and analyzing it later.

    I use Cubase 9 LE from a magazine’s disc for around 15 EUR, I think any other DAW software will work as well.

    Regards Reiner2017-12-30-13-45-001.png


    @Mark Grace said:
    Alll well and good, but it does not help those of us with the Yamaha DTX900…

    Why not? Is the DTX900 using a totally different approach for dealing with the hi hat? If you are not able to configure the settings yourself you could start by posting the raw MIDI data your module is sending. This can help you much more than just complaining.

    Regards Reiner


    Sometimes the button says “Install”, sometimes “Download”. I am not sure what it was yesterday, but when it says “Download” in the popup “Install” is greyed out too. In this case a – in my eyes – useless check is made.

    Regards Reiner


    @Olof said:
    I don’t understand. If you already have the files downloaded and just click Install in Product Manager, it does not check the integrity of the downloaded files.  

    I just reinstalled the core library yesterday and the Product Manager checked every single chunk before installing.

    Regards Reiner


    @h-trax said:
    Hello, same here. Bougt SD3 update and now download core library. DM says 15hours for 40gb.. .so … on i have 100mbit download. how can it speed up the download.. sorry for bad english…
    from Germany 🙂  

    I am from Germany too. I am connected with 200 MBit at Kabel Deutschland (now: Vodafone). My computer is connected to my router via WLAN repeater and I usually get between 6 and 9 MByte/sec.

    Regards Reiner


    @Dennis Barrington said:

    I see SanDisk has a 256 GB thumb driver for a reasonable price: (bout 50)

    I don’t think this drive will make you happy… it’s small and it’s slow. If you can live with the slow speed you might chose an external HD drive with 1000 or 2000 GB. Keep in mind you will need additional space in the future for new SDX’s (Progrssive Foundry and Rock Foundry need 60 GB each and more – future SDX will most propably not be smaller).

    Regards Reiner


    @Ian Stephenson said:
    Same story here- busy downloading Superior 3 and it’s going at about 0.6Mb/s instead of the 6Mb/s I usually get in my rural location. Was updating all my Cubase and associated stuff immediately prior to starting with the TT stuff, and that was arriving nearly 10 times faster.  

    Noone will ever be able to help you if you don’t give some more details about your location, your provider, your connection speed etc.

    Regards Reiner

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